Mirrored as part of a study of Minetest events of 2010 to 2019 and people involved, and in connection with a related book, events in 2017 to 2018, in particular, conferring upon host legal rights related to Fair Use.

Archive for December 3rd, 2011


Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

A new development snapshot build:

The same thing in github: https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/commit/fdf7b3bcdfd62aab2563d92b728e98b3518bbc52
Git tag: 0.4.dev-20111203-3
Git hash: fdf7b3bcdfd62aab2563d92b728e98b3518bbc52

Aand some notes to the early modders:

The global registration naming convention was changed from “modname_*” to “modname:*”. Sorry for the inconvenience, but this is for the better in the long run.

Also, inventorycube() was moved to minetest.inventorycube().


Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

A new development snapshot build:

NOTE: See the recent posts for a more recent version

The same thing in github: https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/commit/cd608b187732b46f18726e14a379695a2f2ad7d0
Git tag: 0.4.dev-20111203-1
Git hash: cd608b187732b46f18726e14a379695a2f2ad7d0

For those already testing the mod system: This version enforces sane global namespace usage and you will need to modify your existing stuff: http://celeron.55.lt/~celeron55/minetest/wiki/doku.php?id=code:lua_api&#api_reference

-- Naming convention for registered textual names
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- "modname_<whatever>"
-- This is to prevent conflicting names from corrupting maps and is
-- enforced by the mod loader.
-- Example: mod "experimental", ideal item/node/entity name "tnt":
-- -> the name should be "experimental_tnt".
-- Enforcement can be overridden by prefixing the name with ":". This can
-- be used for overriding the registrations of some other mod.
-- Default mod uses ":" for maintaining backwards compatibility.