1. Privacy Policy.

This site uses stand­ard httpd logs as well as JavaScript code to collect in­for­ma­tion of most of the types that a web browser typically broadcasts.

Site administrators may publicly disclose and/or reuse in­for­ma­tion collected in any manner that is deemed appropriate.

In particular:

The right to analyze, blog, post, quote, dis­cuss, or otherwise dis­tri­bute or make use of in­for­ma­tion collected or actions or documents or in­for­ma­tion of any type that is deemed appropriate to use is reserved and may be exercised to the maximum extent pos­si­ble with­out further notice at any point in the future.

2. COPPA Notice.

To the best of the primary administrator's knowledge, COPPA, a law which limits the use of in­for­ma­tion for children be­low the age of 13 in commercial or simi­lar contexts, doesn't apply to this site.

3. Contact in­for­ma­tion.

To contact OldCoder, the email address list­ed be­low.


You can also leave a message using the form linked be­low. It won't work as fast as email:

Link: Click here to comment

There's a nice Christmas video re­la­ted to OldCoder at:

His LinkedIn is:

You can talk to OldCoder dir­ect­ly in IRC. The IRC network is:


For some IRC clients, you'll need to turn on an option named “Accept invalid certificates” or a simi­lar name.

Try this IRC command: /query OldCoder

OldCoder has an IRC bouncer. However, if he isn't present, don't assume that messages will necessarily be re­ceived.

The general Minetest channel is: #minetest

4. Site tech­ni­cal notes.

4a. This site uses responsive code. This means that it's sup­posed to work on your phone.

4b. https, i.e., SSL, sup­port is provided by Let's Encrypt.

4c. The orig­inal content on this site may ulti­mate­ly be released under Creative Commons.

4d. This site is hand-writ­ten HTML5 and CSS3 plus a bit of JS and Bootstrap. Just like Grandmother used to bake.

More about the theme:

The theme is large­ly OldCoder's own design. The goals are: sim­ple, responsive, practical. Like OldCoder :P

Note to CoRNeRNoTe: The template is new except for the back­ground images that you provided. Thanks for the idea of breaking pages up vertically into Minetest envir­on­ment zones.

Responsive tables are based on a nice trick documented by Chris Coyier in a 2011 CSS Tricks arti­cle.

OldCoder's version of the tables code adds sup­port for mul­ti­ple tables with dif­fer­ent structures on the same page. Transitions are also smoother in general.

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