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Archive for October 14th, 2009

Wednesday, October 14th, 2009

I’ve been doing some other things instead of the CNC thingĀ  for a few days now. The CNC router/mill/whatever (what’s the difference?) is having some kind of an identity crisis atm, because i don’t really know what i’m going to do with it.

I think i need to know it before i buy something new for the spindle. Surely it’s useless for a lot of things, but maybe I’ll find something to do with it. Probably milling PCB’s, if it proves out to be useful in that… which means i’ll just need to go and buy another mini drill for 20 euros.

Anyway, I built a ramp using scrap wood for my brother’s RC car:

size comparison

size comparison

It was meant to be “big enough” height-wise, and it sure is. It’s a bit too narrow, which of course isn’t a big problem if you are a good driver!

rc car jumping

rc car jumping


I have also been playing Command & Conquer Red Alert. Yes, the first one; the one which came out after the original C & C. Those two are probably the best video games I know of. Very original, runs on any computer, really good soundtrack. And very 8). 8) is the meaning of life.

Red Alert Screenshot (taken with a camera because print screen only gave out a mostly black screen)

Red Alert Screenshot (taken with a camera because print screen only gave out a mostly black screen. Yes, the screen is a bit broken but it doesn't disturb me too much)

Also, Windows 2000 is the best windows ever to be known. I installed it on the laptop i played Red Alert on and it just worked. (Well, you have to know where to get the drivers from and that you can enable the win95 compatibility mode with some strange command (which I always have to google))

HP still has their drivers for Omnibook XE3 available on their support site, which is wonderful.