Mirrored as part of a study of Minetest events of 2010 to 2019 and people involved, and in connection with a related book, events in 2017 to 2018, in particular, conferring upon host legal rights related to Fair Use.

Archive for July, 2011

Yo dawg…

Sunday, July 31st, 2011

- Fixes a bug that made the server to deny non-empty passwords from players connecting the first time

See Download page.


Sunday, July 31st, 2011

- Fixes a bug that caused the server to always read an empty password from the client when a client connected.

See Download page.

EDIT: Oh crap, this one has a bug too, you can’t input a password the first time you connect to a server…

New release!

Sunday, July 31st, 2011

The obscure version number this time is 0.2.20110731_1.

A dungeon in a jungle clearing in MinetestChangelog:
- A number of small fixes, build system stuff and such (refer to version control log)
- Map generator no longer crashes at generation limit
- Fixed mapgen producing lots of cut-down trees
- Some minor tweaks in map generator (some contributed)
- Volumetric clouds (contributed)
- Icon added (graphic contributed)
- Key configuration menu (contributed)
- Decorative blocks and items: bookshelf, sandstone, cactus, clay, brick, papyrus, rail, paper, book (contributed)
- Jungles!
- Hotbar is a bit smaller
- Health is now enabled by default; You can now eat cooked rats to heal yourself.
- Finally added sword textures, altough sword is still of no use
- Creative mode now preserves normal mode inventory

EDIT: Problems solved, now go and play!

Most probably you will want to check out the Download page.

You might also want to see the recent changes in the wiki.


Generating terrain from 3D noise

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

I wrote a small explanation of the usage of 3D noise to create voxel landscapes. It was useful for somebody, so I guess I should share it.

Let me know if you would like me to expand on that.

Current state of development

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

Hmm, thought I’d post something today.

Regarding to the development of Minetest there are many kinds of stuff going on all the time, altough it might be not very visible to outside of the various IRC channels where the dev-kind-of people seem to mostly hang around.

Lately I have been figuring out the tricky bug of decapitated trees in the output of the new map generator. I haven’t pushed too hard but managed to find the Mother Bug ™ that caused it. Killing that one however caused a bunch of others which I am now working on. I am also planning to add some new features on my own too.

Volumetric clouds in Minetest

Volumetric clouds in Minetest

I have been hanging around on #minetest-delta. We have discussed about the map generator, the merging of the audio branch and the possibility of music. And, well, many other things that I don’t remember. Those guys seem to be working on at least volumetric clouds, translations and slightly improved water physics. There is also a key configuration menu, it seems. Oh, and they have created a shortcut icon too.minetest(-delta) icon

I am looking forward to merging the work in Delta and stuff some other people have done into my main branch, for the benefit and convenience of everybody.

The next version will be released when there is a good amount of new things to be released. It would be nice to get it ready before 4th of August, because the Assembly Summer 2011 computer festival (i think that’s what they call it these days) takes place at that time in Helsinki, Finland. I will most probably go there, like I have done since 2007. Or was it 2006? Well, whatever.