Mirrored as part of a study of Minetest events of 2010 to 2019 and people involved, and in connection with a related book, events in 2017 to 2018, in particular, conferring upon host legal rights related to Fair Use.

Dev snapshot build 0.4.dev-20120102-1

Build for Windows:

Source / last commit:

Mostly modding API and other under-the-hood stuff.

3 Responses to “Dev snapshot build 0.4.dev-20120102-1”

  1. sdzen Says:

    thanks my computer cant compile for some reason so I have to depend on these releases

  2. Keith Says:

    Thanks for making this code available. I am interested in taking a look for hobby purposes. I also have an engineering background, and when I was at University studying mechanical engineering most of the people in my class could not program to save themselves; I found I had a knack for it and now develop engineering software for a living. Where did you learn your programming skills if not in your current line of study?

  3. electronics, etc.» Blog Archive Says:

    [...] is something I got asked by somebody called Keith in a recent comment: Thanks for making this code available. I am interested in taking a look for hobby purposes. I also [...]

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