Mirrored as part of a study of Minetest events of 2010 to 2019 and people involved, and in connection with a related book, events in 2017 to 2018, in particular, conferring upon host legal rights related to Fair Use.

New stuff

A quick update again: http://celeron.55.lt/~celeron55/minetest/packages/win32/minetest-0.0.2-win32-110405183346.zip

What was added:
- cobblestone
- steel ingots, steel blocks, the steel pick
- shovels and axes
- the furnace is buildable and works now

I updated the version number to 0.0.2, but it doesn’t have much relevance because currently the main versioning is the date. But it does mark a certain milestone in this project.

I hope somebody can go and update the wiki. I don’t quite have the time. Anyway, things are done quite in the same way as in minecraft, so google for that if you’ve never played the “real game”. 8)

3 Responses to “New stuff”

  1. randoof Says:

    Been following this with some excitement.
    I’ve downloaded your latest version, but notice the water doesn’t flow in the way you sohowed on the youtube video and presented on reddit.
    Is it not integrated on the version you have released?
    I’m really looking forward to playing with “proper” water!!

  2. celeron55 Says:

    randoof: I’m sorry but apparently you’ve mistaken me for the other guy posting on reddit a month ago or whatever. 8)

  3. randoof Says:

    d’oh ;-) My apologies :-D Keep up the good work all the same, I’ve been playing and enjoying how fast your version is. I noticed you can place torches underwater! It looks really nice at night standing up on top of a hill and looking down

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