I’ve been making a small puzzle game “Wandstep”
Sunday, January 4th, 2015I made an entry to the Ludum Dare 31 competition called “Wandstep”. It was quite rough, but had interesting game mechanics and a usable visual theme.
Regardless of the roughness and fairly bad final scores in LD31, a local gamedev guy competed with me in a number of randomly generated levels in Wandstep. It was pretty fun – the challenging flavour of fun – so I decided to give it a go and polish this thing for a few weeks.
Granted, it’s not an AAA game, but if this sounded interesting to you, give it a go!
If you have any feedback, let me know!
Web: http://wandstep.8dromeda.net/intro
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.c55.wandstep
Plain APK: http://packages.8dromeda.net/wandstep/Wandstep-0.5.14.apk
Hint: Use the in-game menu to share a random level, and use the menu again to get a direct URL to the level – each shared URL has a unique list of highscores too.