Laptop battery discharge-charge cycle plotted
Wednesday, January 6th, 2010Here’s a nice graph i generated. It shows the discharge-charge cycle (capacity-time) of my old HP Omnibook XE-3 laptop with a fairly new (6 months old) cheap battery from ebay:
Charging seems to be a bit slow by today’s standards at more than two hours. The battery is actually a “11.1V 7200mAH 80WH” model, but as you can see, ACPI shows it as being 5400mAh. (I collected the data by reading /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state.)
I’m not sure whether the battery really is more like 5400 or 7200. If it’s 5400mAh, the power consumption would be about 15W, and for 7200mAh, it’d be more like 20W. I recall measuring it sucking about 15W from the wall adapter, so it just might be 5400mAh.