Mirrored as part of a study of Minetest events of 2010 to 2019 and people involved, and in connection with a related book, events in 2017 to 2018, in particular, conferring upon host legal rights related to Fair Use.

Archive for October, 2011

JS Bombers

Wednesday, October 26th, 2011
JS Bombers

JS Bombers - Click to play

I thought I’d learn some Javascript, and figured I should make something useful and fun to keep the motivation up. So I started doing that by actually creating a game!

It is a browser based real-time multiplayer mini clone of the Finnish classic game Mine Bombers.

Your goal is to collect more valuables than your opponent by digging and dropping bombs. You can also kill your opponent if you can’t keep up with grabbing the treasures. 8)

So, use your preferred instant messaging service to challenge your friends! (really, you need a friend to play this with)

Here it is: http://jsbombers.mine.bz/

Don’t be afraid if the lobby is empty. It is just the single game, what did you expect? :-) I said you need a friend to play it with! If in doubt, you can leave the game open and check back once in a while. You’ll probably meet someone to play with in some tens of minutes.

What’s next?

There are basically two things that could be done:

  1. More features (multiple bomb types, multiple rounds per game, shop with credits, different grades of pickaxes)
  2. Facebook or Google+ integration

Whaddaya think? 8)

Oh, and yeah, I replaced the old wordpress theme, due to a variety of reasons. I think this is quite good.

New development version

Friday, October 21st, 2011

- Modify dungeon masters to only try to shoot players
- Fix object duplication bug at block load/unload
- Improve network layer

Windows build: minetest-0.3.dev-20111021-win32.zip

Linux and other users can grab the source.

Bug in 0.2.20110922

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

There exists a bug in the latest stable release, 0.2.20110922 (0.2.20110922_3), which causes objects to be cloned when a block of world data is loaded and unloaded, when eg. a player walks near it and then goes away, or joins and disconnects.

It cannot be seen initially, but will make performance worse over time and at some point will make at least servers quite laggy and even unplayable.

I intend to release a new version in the near future which has this fixed and not backport the fix to latest stable. If somebody very much needs 0.2.20110922 to be fixed, please tell and I will consider doing it.

Working Windows builds, finally!

Sunday, October 16th, 2011

Now, Windows people, I have set up a new build system and everything should now work for everyone.

Here is the latest development version (direct download).

And here is the latest stable version (direct download)

New stuff in the works

Saturday, October 15th, 2011


Now, Windows people, I have set up a new build system and everything should now work for everyone. Enjoy:
Download for Windows

Linux people can download source and compile as usual.

And I have updated my dev server to run this.