local c_air = minetest.get_content_id("air") --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For registering a set of stalactite/stalagmite nodes to use with the small stalactite placement function below local x_disp = 0.125 local z_disp = 0.125 local stal_on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local pt = pointed_thing -- check if pointing at a node if not pt then return itemstack end if pt.type ~= "node" then return itemstack end local under = minetest.get_node(pt.under) local above = minetest.get_node(pt.above) if minetest.is_protected(pt.above, placer:get_player_name()) then minetest.record_protection_violation(pt.above, placer:get_player_name()) return end -- return if any of the nodes is not registered if not minetest.registered_nodes[under.name] or not minetest.registered_nodes[above.name] then return itemstack end -- check if you can replace the node above the pointed node if not minetest.registered_nodes[above.name].buildable_to then return itemstack end local new_param2 -- check if pointing at an existing stalactite if minetest.get_item_group(under.name, "subterrane_stal_align") ~= 0 then new_param2 = under.param2 else new_param2 = math.random(0,3) end -- add the node and remove 1 item from the itemstack minetest.add_node(pt.above, {name = itemstack:get_name(), param2 = new_param2}) if not minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode", false) then itemstack:take_item() end return itemstack end local stal_box_1 = {{-0.0625+x_disp, -0.5, -0.0625+z_disp, 0.0625+x_disp, 0.5, 0.0625+z_disp}} local stal_box_2 = {{-0.125+x_disp, -0.5, -0.125+z_disp, 0.125+x_disp, 0.5, 0.125+z_disp}} local stal_box_3 = {{-0.25+x_disp, -0.5, -0.25+z_disp, 0.25+x_disp, 0.5, 0.25+z_disp}} local stal_box_4 = {{-0.375+x_disp, -0.5, -0.375+z_disp, 0.375+x_disp, 0.5, 0.375+z_disp}} -- Note that a circular table reference will result in a crash, TODO: guard against that. -- Unlikely to be needed, though - it'd take a lot of work for users to get into this bit of trouble. local function deep_copy(table_in) local table_out = {} for index, value in pairs(table_in) do if type(value) == "table" then table_out[index] = deep_copy(value) else table_out[index] = value end end return table_out end subterrane.register_stalagmite_nodes = function(base_name, base_node_def, drop_base_name) base_node_def.groups = base_node_def.groups or {} base_node_def.groups.subterrane_stal_align = 1 base_node_def.groups.flow_through = 1 base_node_def.drawtype = "nodebox" base_node_def.paramtype = "light" base_node_def.paramtype2 = "facedir" base_node_def.node_box = {type = "fixed"} local def1 = deep_copy(base_node_def) def1.groups.fall_damage_add_percent = 100 def1.node_box.fixed = stal_box_1 def1.on_place = stal_on_place if drop_base_name then def1.drop = drop_base_name.."_1" end minetest.register_node(base_name.."_1", def1) local def2 = deep_copy(base_node_def) def2.groups.fall_damage_add_percent = 50 def2.node_box.fixed = stal_box_2 def2.on_place = stal_on_place if drop_base_name then def2.drop = drop_base_name.."_2" end minetest.register_node(base_name.."_2", def2) local def3 = deep_copy(base_node_def) def3.node_box.fixed = stal_box_3 def3.on_place = stal_on_place if drop_base_name then def3.drop = drop_base_name.."_3" end minetest.register_node(base_name.."_3", def3) local def4 = deep_copy(base_node_def) def4.node_box.fixed = stal_box_4 def4.on_place = stal_on_place if drop_base_name then def4.drop = drop_base_name.."_4" end minetest.register_node(base_name.."_4", def4) return { minetest.get_content_id(base_name.."_1"), minetest.get_content_id(base_name.."_2"), minetest.get_content_id(base_name.."_3"), minetest.get_content_id(base_name.."_4"), } end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Use with stalactite nodes defined above -- stalagmite_id is a table of the content ids of the four stalagmite sections, from _1 to _4. function subterrane.stalagmite(vi, area, data, param2_data, param2, height, stalagmite_id) if height == nil then height = math.random(1,4) end if param2 == nil then param2 = math.random(0,3) end local sign, id_modifier if height > 0 then sign = 1 id_modifier = 1 -- stalagmites are blunter than stalactites else sign = -1 id_modifier = 0 end for i = 1, math.abs(height) do local svi = vi + (height - i * sign) * area.ystride if data[svi] == c_air then -- test for air because we don't want these poking into water data[svi] = stalagmite_id[math.min(i+id_modifier,4)] param2_data[svi] = param2 end end end function subterrane.stalactite(vi, area, data, param2_data, param2, height, stalagmite_id) subterrane.stalagmite(vi, area, data, param2_data, param2, -height, stalagmite_id) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Builds very large stalactites and stalagmites --giant stalagmite spawner function subterrane.big_stalagmite(vi, area, data, min_height, max_height, base_material, root_material, shaft_material) local pos = area:position(vi) local x = pos.x local y = pos.y local z = pos.z local top = math.random(min_height,max_height) for j = -2, top do --y for k = -3, 3 do for l = -3, 3 do if j <= 0 then if k*k + l*l <= 9 then local vi = area:index(x+k, y+j, z+l) if mapgen_helper.buildable_to(data[vi]) then data[vi] = base_material end end elseif j <= top/5 then if k*k + l*l <= 4 then local vi = area:index(x+k, y+j, z+l) data[vi] = root_material end elseif j <= top/5 * 3 then if k*k + l*l <= 1 then local vi = area:index(x+k, y+j, z+l) data[vi] = shaft_material end else local vi = area:index(x, y+j, z) data[vi] = shaft_material end end end end end --giant stalactite spawner function subterrane.big_stalactite(vi, area, data, min_height, max_height, base_material, root_material, shaft_material) local pos = area:position(vi) local x = pos.x local y = pos.y local z = pos.z local bot = math.random(-max_height, -min_height) --grab a random height for the stalagmite for j = bot, 2 do --y for k = -3, 3 do for l = -3, 3 do if j >= -1 then if k*k + l*l <= 9 then local vi = area:index(x+k, y+j, z+l) if mapgen_helper.buildable_to(data[vi]) then data[vi] = base_material end end elseif j >= bot/5 then if k*k + l*l <= 4 then local vi = area:index(x+k, y+j, z+l) data[vi] = root_material end elseif j >= bot/5 * 3 then if k*k + l*l <= 1 then local vi = area:index(x+k, y+j, z+l) data[vi] = shaft_material end else local vi = area:index(x, y+j, z) data[vi] = shaft_material end end end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Giant mushrooms --function to create giant 'shrooms. Cap radius works well from about 2-6 --if ignore_bounds is true this function will place the mushroom even if it overlaps the edge of the voxel area. function subterrane.giant_mushroom(vi, area, data, stem_material, cap_material, gill_material, stem_height, cap_radius, ignore_bounds) if not ignore_bounds and not (area:containsi(vi - cap_radius - area.zstride*cap_radius) and area:containsi(vi + cap_radius + stem_height*area.ystride + area.zstride*cap_radius)) then return false -- mushroom overlaps the bounds of the voxel area, abort. end local pos = area:position(vi) local x = pos.x local y = pos.y local z = pos.z --cap for k = -cap_radius, cap_radius do for l = -cap_radius, cap_radius do if k*k + l*l <= cap_radius*cap_radius then local vi = area:index(x+k, y+stem_height, z+l) if mapgen_helper.buildable_to(data[vi]) then data[vi] = cap_material end end if k*k + l*l <= (cap_radius-1)*(cap_radius-1) and (cap_radius-1) > 0 then local vi = area:index(x+k, y+stem_height+1, z+l) data[vi] = cap_material vi = area:index(x+k, y+stem_height, z+l) if data[vi] == cap_material then data[vi] = gill_material end end if k*k + l*l <= (cap_radius-2)*(cap_radius-2) and (cap_radius-2) > 0 then local vi = area:index(x+k, y+stem_height+2, z+l) if mapgen_helper.buildable_to(data[vi]) then data[vi] = cap_material end end if k*k + l*l <= (cap_radius-3)*(cap_radius-3) and (cap_radius-3) > 0 then local vi = area:index(x+k, y+stem_height+3, z+l) if mapgen_helper.buildable_to(data[vi]) then data[vi] = cap_material end end end end --stem for j = -2, stem_height do -- going down to -2 to ensure the stem is flush with the ground local vi = area:index(x, y+j, z) if j >= 0 or area:containsi(vi) then -- since -2 puts us below the bounds we've already tested, add a contains check here. data[vi] = stem_material if cap_radius > 3 then local ai = area:index(x, y+j, z+1) if mapgen_helper.buildable_to(data[ai]) or data[ai] == gill_material then data[ai] = stem_material end ai = area:index(x, y+j, z-1) if mapgen_helper.buildable_to(data[ai]) or data[ai] == gill_material then data[ai] = stem_material end ai = area:index(x+1, y+j, z) if mapgen_helper.buildable_to(data[ai]) or data[ai] == gill_material then data[ai] = stem_material end ai = area:index(x-1, y+j, z) if mapgen_helper.buildable_to(data[ai]) or data[ai] == gill_material then data[ai] = stem_material end end end end return true end