function cmd_ext.show_help_formspec(sendername, query) local chatcommand_info = chatcommand_info if query then local query = query:lower() local function search(chatcommands) local new_info = {} for index, def in ipairs(chatcommands) do local def = table_ext.tablecopy(def) if, 1, true) or def.description:lower():find(query, 1, true) then table.insert(new_info, def) elseif def.subcommands then def.subcommands = search(def.subcommands) if next(def.subcommands) then table.insert(new_info, def) end end end return new_info end chatcommand_info = search(chatcommand_info) else query = "" end local tablecontent = {} local function traverse_commands(commands, number, scope) for index, info in ipairs(commands) do local function cell(value) table.insert(tablecontent, value) end local function row(signcolor, level, ...) cell(signcolor or "") cell(level or number) local unpacked = { ... } for i = 1, 4 do cell(minetest.formspec_escape(unpacked[i] or "")) end end local name = or "WTH" local scope = scope .. name .. " " local missing, to_lose = cmd_ext.validate_privs_ipairs(info.privs or {}, info.forbidden_privs or {}, minetest.get_player_privs(sendername)) local privs = next(missing) or next(to_lose) local red_or_green = (privs and "#FF0000") or "#00FF00" row(red_or_green, number, red_or_green, name, "#FFFF00", info.descriptions[1] .. ((#info.descriptions > 1 and "...") or "")) --table.insert(tablecontent, minetest.formspec_escape(description1) or "") --if privs then table.insert(tablecontent, privs) else table.insert(tablecontent, "") end for i = 2, #info.descriptions do row("#FFFF00", number + 1, "#FFFF00", info.descriptions[i]) end row("#FFFF00", number + 1, "#FFFF00", "/" .. scope .. (info.params or "")) -- if info.privs or info.forbidden_privs then table.insert(tablecontent, "#FF0000") table.insert(tablecontent, number + 1) if info.privs then table.insert(tablecontent, "#00FF00") table.insert(tablecontent, minetest.formspec_escape("Required : " .. table.concat(info.privs, ", "))) end if info.forbidden_privs then table.insert(tablecontent, "#FF0000") table.insert(tablecontent, minetest.formspec_escape("Forbidden : " .. table.concat(info.forbidden_privs, ", "))) end if not info.privs or not info.forbidden_privs then table.insert(tablecontent, "#FFFFFF") table.insert(tablecontent, "") end -- if next(missing) or next(to_lose) then table.insert(tablecontent, "#FF0000") table.insert(tablecontent, number + 1) if next(missing) then table.insert(tablecontent, "#00FF00") table.insert(tablecontent, minetest.formspec_escape("Missing : " .. table.concat(missing, ", "))) end if next(to_lose) then table.insert(tablecontent, "#FF0000") table.insert(tablecontent, minetest.formspec_escape("To lose : " .. table.concat(to_lose, ", "))) end if not next(missing) or not next(to_lose) then table.insert(tablecontent, "#FFFFFF") table.insert(tablecontent, "") end end end if info.subcommands then traverse_commands(info.subcommands, number + 1, scope) end end end traverse_commands(chatcommand_info, 1, "") tablecontent = table.concat(tablecontent, ",") minetest.show_formspec(sendername, "cmdlib:help", [[size[12,8] real_coordinates[true] image_button[0,0;1.5,0.75;cmdlib_clear.png;clear; Clear] field[1.75,0.4;7.5,0.5;query;;]] .. minetest.formspec_escape(query) .. [[] field_close_on_enter[query;false] image_button[9,0;1.5,0.75;cmdlib_search.png;search; Search] image_button_exit[10.5,0;1.5,0.75;cmdlib_close.png;close; Close] tablecolumns[color,align=inline;tree,align=inline;color,align=inline;text,align=inline;color,align=inline;text,align=inline,padding=2] table[0,0.75;11.8,7.25;commands;]] .. tablecontent .. [[;] ]]) end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname == "cmdlib:help" and not fields.close then if fields.clear then cmd_ext.show_help_formspec(player:get_player_name()) elseif or fields.query then cmd_ext.show_help_formspec(player:get_player_name(), fields.query) end end end) cmd_ext.register_chatcommand("help", { params = "[query]", description = "List chatcommands or query them.", func = function(sendername, params) cmd_ext.show_help_formspec(sendername, params.query) return true end }, true)