-- Minetest 0.4.7 mod: technic -- namespace: technic -- (c) 2012-2013 by RealBadAngel local load_start = os.clock() technic = rawget(_G, "technic") or {} technic.creative_mode = minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("technic") technic.modpath = modpath -- Boilerplate to support intllib if rawget(_G, "intllib") then technic.getter = intllib.Getter() else technic.getter = function(s,a,...)if a==nil then return s end a={a,...}return s:gsub("(@?)@(%(?)(%d+)(%)?)",function(e,o,n,c)if e==""then return a[tonumber(n)]..(o==""and c or"")else return"@"..o..n..c end end) end end local S = technic.getter -- Read configuration file dofile(modpath.."/config.lua") -- Helper functions dofile(modpath.."/helpers.lua") -- Items dofile(modpath.."/items.lua") -- Craft recipes for items dofile(modpath.."/crafts.lua") -- Register functions dofile(modpath.."/register.lua") -- Machines dofile(modpath.."/machines/init.lua") -- Tools dofile(modpath.."/tools/init.lua") -- Mesecons and Pipeworks stuff. dofile(modpath.."/extraitems.lua") -- Aliases for legacy node/item names dofile(modpath.."/legacy.lua") if minetest.setting_getbool("log_mods") then print(S("[Technic] Loaded in %f seconds"):format(os.clock() - load_start)) end