[Basic] # Whether to automatically connect to the server on mod load. # If false, you must use /irc_connect to connect. irc.auto_connect (Auto-connect on load) bool true # Nickname for the bot. May only contain characters A-Z, 0-9 # '{', '}', '[', ']', '|', '^', '-', or '_'. irc.nick (Bot nickname) string Minetest # Server to connect to. irc.server (IRC server) string irc.freenode.net # Server port. # The standard IRC protocol port is 6667 for regular servers, # or 6697 for SSL-enabled servers. # If unsure, leave at 6667. irc.port (IRC server port) int 6667 1 65535 # Channel the bot joins after connecting. irc.channel (Channel to join) string ##mt-irc-mod [Authentication] # Password for authenticating to NickServ. # Leave empty to not authenticate with NickServ. irc.NSPass (NickServ password) string # IRC server password. # Leave empty for no password. irc.password (Server password) string # Password for joining the channel. # Leave empty if your channel is not protected. irc.key (Channel key) string # Enable TLS connection. # Requires LuaSEC . irc.secure (Use TLS) bool false # Username for SASL authentication. # Leave empty to use the nickname. irc.sasl.user (SASL username) string # Password for SASL authentication. # Leave empty to not authenticate via SASL. irc.sasl.pass (SASL password) string [Advanced] # Enable this to make the bot send messages when players join # or leave the game server. irc.send_join_part (Send join and part messages) bool true # Enable this to make the bot send messages when players are kicked. irc.send_kicks (Send kick messages) bool false # Underlying socket timeout in seconds. irc.timeout (Timeout) int 60 1 # Time between reconnection attempts, in seconds. irc.reconnect (Reconnect delay) int 600 1 # Prefix to use for bot commands. irc.command_prefix (Command prefix) string # Enable debug output. irc.debug (Debug mode) bool false # Whether to enable players joining and parting the channel. irc.enable_player_part (Allow player join/part) bool true # Whether to automatically show players in the channel when they join. irc.auto_join (Auto join players) bool true # Whether to bridge worlds via IRC irc.crossworld (Bridge worlds) bool true