-- yaw values: -- x+ = -pi/2 -- x- = +pi/2 -- z+ = 0 -- z- = -pi mobkit={} mobkit.gravity = -9.8 mobkit.friction = 0.4 -- less is more local abs = math.abs local pi = math.pi local floor = math.floor local ceil = math.ceil local random = math.random local sqrt = math.sqrt local max = math.max local min = math.min local tan = math.tan local pow = math.pow local sign = function(x) return (x<0) and -1 or 1 end mobkit.terminal_velocity = sqrt(2*-mobkit.gravity*20) -- 20 meter fall = dead mobkit.safe_velocity = sqrt(2*-mobkit.gravity*5) -- 5 m safe fall local abr = tonumber(minetest.get_mapgen_setting('active_block_range')) or 3 -- UTILITY FUNCTIONS function mobkit.dot(v1,v2) return v1.x*v2.x+v1.y*v2.y+v1.z*v2.z end function mobkit.minmax(v,m) return min(abs(v),m)*sign(v) end function mobkit.pos_shift(pos,vec) -- vec components can be omitted e.g. vec={y=1} vec.x=vec.x or 0 vec.y=vec.y or 0 vec.z=vec.z or 0 return {x=pos.x+vec.x, y=pos.y+vec.y, z=pos.z+vec.z} end function mobkit.pos_translate2d(pos,yaw,dist) -- translate pos dist distance in yaw direction return vector.add(pos,vector.multiply(minetest.yaw_to_dir(yaw),dist)) end function mobkit.is_pos_in_box(pos,bpos,box) return pos.x > bpos.x+box[1] and pos.x < bpos.x+box[4] and pos.y > bpos.y+box[2] and pos.y < bpos.y+box[5] and pos.z > bpos.z+box[3] and pos.z < bpos.z+box[6] end -- call this instead if you want feet position. --[[ function mobkit.get_stand_pos(thing) -- thing can be luaentity or objectref. if type(thing) == 'table' then return mobkit.pos_shift(thing.object:get_pos(),{y=thing.collisionbox[2]+0.01}) elseif type(thing) == 'userdata' then local colbox = thing:get_properties().collisionbox return mobkit.pos_shift(thing:get_pos(),{y=colbox[2]+0.01}) end end --]] function mobkit.get_stand_pos(thing) -- thing can be luaentity or objectref. local pos = {} local colbox = {} if type(thing) == 'table' then pos = thing.object:get_pos() colbox = thing.object:get_properties().collisionbox elseif type(thing) == 'userdata' then pos = thing:get_pos() colbox = thing:get_properties().collisionbox else return false end return mobkit.pos_shift(pos,{y=colbox[2]+0.01}), pos end function mobkit.set_acceleration(thing,vec,limit) limit = limit or 100 if type(thing) == 'table' then thing=thing.object end vec.x=mobkit.minmax(vec.x,limit) vec.y=mobkit.minmax(vec.y,limit) vec.z=mobkit.minmax(vec.z,limit) thing:set_acceleration(vec) end function mobkit.nodeatpos(pos) local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) if node then return minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] end end function mobkit.get_nodename_off(pos,vec) return minetest.get_node(mobkit.pos_shift(pos,vec)).name end function mobkit.get_node_pos(pos) return { x=floor(pos.x+0.5), y=floor(pos.y+0.5), z=floor(pos.z+0.5), } end function mobkit.get_nodes_in_area(pos1,pos2,full) local npos1=mobkit.get_node_pos(pos1) local npos2=mobkit.get_node_pos(pos2) local result = {} local cnt = 0 -- safety local sx = (pos2.x 125 then minetest.chat_send_all('get_nodes_in_area: area too big ') return result end until y==npos2.y until z==npos2.z until x==npos2.x return result end function mobkit.get_hitbox_bottom(self) local y = self.collisionbox[2] local pos = self.object:get_pos() return { {x=pos.x+self.collisionbox[1],y=pos.y+y,z=pos.z+self.collisionbox[3]}, {x=pos.x+self.collisionbox[1],y=pos.y+y,z=pos.z+self.collisionbox[6]}, {x=pos.x+self.collisionbox[4],y=pos.y+y,z=pos.z+self.collisionbox[3]}, {x=pos.x+self.collisionbox[4],y=pos.y+y,z=pos.z+self.collisionbox[6]}, } end function mobkit.get_node_height(pos) local npos = mobkit.get_node_pos(pos) local node = mobkit.nodeatpos(npos) if node == nil then return nil end if node.walkable then if node.drawtype == 'nodebox' then local collision_box = node.collision_box or node.node_box if collision_box and collision_box.type == 'fixed' then if type(collision_box.fixed[1]) == 'number' then return npos.y + collision_box.fixed[5], 0, false elseif type(collision_box.fixed[1]) == 'table' then return npos.y + collision_box.fixed[1][5], 0, false else return npos.y + 0.5,1, false -- todo handle table of boxes end elseif collision_box and collision_box.type == 'leveled' then return minetest.get_node_level(pos)/64-0.5+mobkit.get_node_pos(pos).y, 0, false else return npos.y + 0.5,1, false -- the unforeseen end else return npos.y+0.5,1, false -- full node end else local liquidflag = false if node.drawtype == 'liquid' then liquidflag = true end return npos.y-0.5,-1,liquidflag end end -- get_terrain_height -- steps(optional) number of recursion steps; default=3 -- dir(optional) is 1=up, -1=down, 0=both; default=0 -- liquidflag(forbidden) never provide this parameter. function mobkit.get_terrain_height(pos,steps,dir,liquidflag) --dir is 1=up, -1=down, 0=both steps = steps or 3 dir = dir or 0 local h,f,l = mobkit.get_node_height(pos) if h == nil then return nil end if l then liquidflag = true end if f==0 then return h, liquidflag end if dir==0 or dir==f then steps = steps - 1 if steps <=0 then return nil end return mobkit.get_terrain_height(mobkit.pos_shift(pos,{y=f}),steps,f,liquidflag) else return h, liquidflag end end function mobkit.get_spawn_pos_abr(dtime,intrvl,radius,chance,reduction) dtime = min(dtime,0.1) local plyrs = minetest.get_connected_players() intrvl=1/intrvl if random() 1 then -- spawn in the front arc yaw = minetest.dir_to_yaw(vel) + random()*0.35 - 0.75 else -- random yaw yaw = random()*pi*2 - pi end local pos = plyr:get_pos() local dir = vector.multiply(minetest.yaw_to_dir(yaw),radius) local pos2 = vector.add(pos,dir) pos2.y=pos2.y-5 local height, liquidflag = mobkit.get_terrain_height(pos2,32) if height then local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos,radius*1.1) for _,obj in ipairs(objs) do -- count mobs in abrange if not obj:is_player() then local lua = obj:get_luaentity() if lua and lua.name ~= '__builtin:item' then chance=chance + (1-chance)*reduction -- chance reduced for every mob in range end end end if chance < random() then pos2.y = height objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos2,radius*0.95) for _,obj in ipairs(objs) do -- do not spawn if another player around if obj:is_player() then return end end return pos2, liquidflag end end end end function mobkit.turn2yaw(self,tyaw,rate) tyaw = tyaw or 0 --temp rate = rate or 6 local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() yaw = yaw+pi tyaw=(tyaw+pi)%(pi*2) local step=min(self.dtime*rate,abs(tyaw-yaw)%(pi*2)) local dir = abs(tyaw-yaw)>pi and -1 or 1 dir = tyaw>yaw and dir*1 or dir * -1 local nyaw = (yaw+step*dir)%(pi*2) self.object:set_yaw(nyaw-pi) if nyaw==tyaw then return true, nyaw-pi else return false, nyaw-pi end end function mobkit.dir_to_rot(v,rot) rot = rot or {x=0,y=0,z=0} return {x = (v.x==0 and v.y==0 and v.z==0) and rot.x or math.atan2(v.y,vector.length({x=v.x,y=0,z=v.z})), y = (v.x==0 and v.z==0) and rot.y or minetest.dir_to_yaw(v), z=rot.z} end function mobkit.rot_to_dir(rot) -- keep rot within <-pi/2,pi/2> local dir = minetest.yaw_to_dir(rot.y) dir.y = dir.y+tan(rot.x)*vector.length(dir) return vector.normalize(dir) end function mobkit.isnear2d(p1,p2,thresh) if abs(p2.x-p1.x) < thresh and abs(p2.z-p1.z) < thresh then return true else return false end end -- object has reached the destination if dest is in the rear half plane. function mobkit.is_there_yet2d(pos,dir,dest) -- obj positon; facing vector; destination position local c = -dir.x*pos.x-dir.z*pos.z -- the constant if dir.z > 0 then return dest.z <= (-dir.x*dest.x - c)/dir.z -- line equation elseif dir.z < 0 then return dest.z >= (-dir.x*dest.x - c)/dir.z elseif dir.x > 0 then return dest.x <= (-dir.z*dest.z - c)/dir.x elseif dir.x < 0 then return dest.x >= (-dir.z*dest.z - c)/dir.x else return false end end function mobkit.isnear3d(p1,p2,thresh) if abs(p2.x-p1.x) < thresh and abs(p2.z-p1.z) < thresh and abs(p2.y-p1.y) < thresh then return true else return false end end function mobkit.get_box_intersect_cols(pos,box) local pmin = {x=floor(pos.x+box[1]+0.5),z=floor(pos.z+box[3]+0.5)} local pmax = {x=floor(pos.x+box[4]+0.5),z=floor(pos.z+box[6]+0.5)} result= {} for x=pmin.x,pmax.x do for z=pmin.z,pmax.z do table.insert(result,{x=x,z=z}) end end return result end function mobkit.get_box_displace_cols(pos,box,vec,dist) local result = {{}} -- front facing corner pos and neighbors local fpos = {pos.y} local xpos={pos.y} local zpos={pos.y} local xoff=nil local zoff=nil if vec.x < 0 then fpos.x = pos.x+box[1] -- frontmost corner's x xoff = box[4]-box[1] -- edge offset along x else fpos.x = pos.x+box[4] xoff = box[1]-box[4] end if vec.z < 0 then fpos.z = pos.z+box[3] -- frontmost corner's z zoff = box[6]-box[3] -- edge offset along z else fpos.z = pos.z+box[6] zoff = box[3]-box[6] end -- displacement vector if dist then vec = vector.multiply(vector.normalize(vec),dist) end -- traverse x local xsgn = sign(vec.x) local zsgn = sign(zoff) local index=0 for x = floor(fpos.x+0.5)+xsgn*0.5, fpos.x+vec.x, xsgn do index=index+1 if index > 50 then return result end result[index] = result[index] or {} local zcomp = vec.x == 0 and 0 or fpos.z + (x-fpos.x)*vec.z/vec.x -- z component at the intersection of x and node edge for z = floor(zcomp+0.5), floor(zcomp+zoff+0.5), zsgn do table.insert(result[index],{x=x+xsgn*0.5,z=z}) end end -- traverse z local zsgn = sign(vec.z) local xsgn = sign(xoff) index=0 for z = floor(fpos.z + 0.5)+zsgn*0.5, fpos.z+vec.z, zsgn do index=index+1 if index > 50 then return result end result[index] = result[index] or {} local xcomp = vec.z == 0 and 0 or fpos.x + (z-fpos.z)*vec.x/vec.z for x = floor(xcomp+0.5), floor(xcomp+xoff+0.5), xsgn do table.insert(result[index],{x=x,z=z+zsgn*0.5}) end end return result end function mobkit.get_box_height(thing) if type(thing) == 'table' then thing = thing.object end local colbox = thing:get_properties().collisionbox local height if colbox then height = colbox[5]-colbox[2] else height = 0.1 end return height > 0 and height or 0.1 end function mobkit.is_alive(thing) -- thing can be luaentity or objectref. -- if not thing then return false end if not mobkit.exists(thing) then return false end if type(thing) == 'table' then return thing.hp > 0 or (thing.health and thing.health > 0) end -- support for mobs redo if thing:is_player() then return thing:get_hp() > 0 else local lua = thing:get_luaentity() local hp = lua and (lua.hp or lua.health) or nil -- support for mobs redo return hp and hp > 0 end end function mobkit.exists(thing) if not thing then return false end if type(thing) == 'table' then thing=thing.object end if type(thing) == 'userdata' then if thing:is_player() then if thing:get_look_horizontal() then return true end else if thing:get_yaw() then return true end end end end function mobkit.hurt(luaent,dmg) if not luaent then return false end if type(luaent) == 'table' then luaent.hp = max((luaent.hp or 0) - dmg,0) end end function mobkit.heal(luaent,dmg) if not luaent then return false end if type(luaent) == 'table' then luaent.hp = min(luaent.max_hp,(luaent.hp or 0) + dmg) end end function mobkit.animate(self,anim) if self.animation and self.animation[anim] then if self._anim == anim then return end self._anim=anim local aparms = {} if #self.animation[anim] > 0 then aparms = self.animation[anim][random(#self.animation[anim])] else aparms = self.animation[anim] end aparms.frame_blend = aparms.frame_blend or 0 self.object:set_animation(aparms.range,aparms.speed,aparms.frame_blend,aparms.loop) else self._anim = nil end end function mobkit.make_sound(self, sound) local spec = self.sounds and self.sounds[sound] local param_table = {object=self.object} if type(spec) == 'table' then --pick random sound if it's a spec for random sounds if #spec > 0 then spec = spec[random(#spec)] end --returns value or a random value within the range [value[1], value[2]) local function in_range(value) return type(value) == 'table' and value[1]+random()*(value[2]-value[1]) or value end --pick random values within a range if they're a table param_table.gain = in_range(spec.gain) param_table.fade = in_range(spec.fade) param_table.pitch = in_range(spec.pitch) return minetest.sound_play(spec.name, param_table) end return minetest.sound_play(spec, param_table) end function mobkit.go_forward_horizontal(self,speed) -- sets velocity in yaw direction, y component unaffected local y = self.object:get_velocity().y local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() local vel = vector.multiply(minetest.yaw_to_dir(yaw),speed) vel.y = y self.object:set_velocity(vel) end function mobkit.drive_to_pos(self,tpos,speed,turn_rate,dist) local pos=self.object:get_pos() dist = dist or 0.2 if mobkit.isnear2d(pos,tpos,dist) then return true end local tyaw = minetest.dir_to_yaw(vector.direction(pos,tpos)) mobkit.turn2yaw(self,tyaw,turn_rate) mobkit.go_forward_horizontal(self,speed) return false end function mobkit.timer(self,s) -- returns true approx every s seconds local t1 = floor(self.time_total) local t2 = floor(self.time_total+self.dtime) if t2>t1 and t2%s==0 then return true end end -- Memory functions. -- Stuff in memory is serialized, never try to remember objectrefs. function mobkit.remember(self,key,val) self.memory[key]=val return val end function mobkit.forget(self,key) self.memory[key] = nil end function mobkit.recall(self,key) return self.memory[key] end -- Queue functions function mobkit.queue_high(self,func,priority) local maxprty = mobkit.get_queue_priority(self) if priority > maxprty then mobkit.clear_queue_low(self) end for i,f in ipairs(self.hqueue) do if priority > f.prty then table.insert(self.hqueue,i,{func=func,prty=priority}) return end end table.insert(self.hqueue,{func=func,prty=priority}) end function mobkit.queue_low(self,func) table.insert(self.lqueue,func) end function mobkit.is_queue_empty_low(self) if #self.lqueue == 0 then return true else return false end end function mobkit.clear_queue_high(self) self.hqueue = {} end function mobkit.clear_queue_low(self) self.lqueue = {} end function mobkit.get_queue_priority(self) if #self.hqueue > 0 then return self.hqueue[1].prty else return 0 end end function mobkit.is_queue_empty_high(self) if #self.hqueue == 0 then return true else return false end end function mobkit.get_nearby_player(self) -- returns random player if nearby or nil for _,obj in ipairs(self.nearby_objects) do if obj:is_player() and mobkit.is_alive(obj) then return obj end end return end function mobkit.get_nearby_entity(self,name) -- returns random nearby entity of name or nil for _,obj in ipairs(self.nearby_objects) do if mobkit.is_alive(obj) and not obj:is_player() and obj:get_luaentity().name == name then return obj end end return end function mobkit.get_closest_entity(self,name) -- returns closest entity of name or nil local cobj = nil local dist = abr*64 local pos = self.object:get_pos() for _,obj in ipairs(self.nearby_objects) do local luaent = obj:get_luaentity() if mobkit.is_alive(obj) and not obj:is_player() and luaent and luaent.name == name then local opos = obj:get_pos() local odist = abs(opos.x-pos.x) + abs(opos.z-pos.z) if odist < dist then dist=odist cobj=obj end end end return cobj end local function execute_queues(self) --Execute hqueue if #self.hqueue > 0 then local func = self.hqueue[1].func if func(self) then table.remove(self.hqueue,1) self.lqueue = {} end end -- Execute lqueue if #self.lqueue > 0 then local func = self.lqueue[1] if func(self) then table.remove(self.lqueue,1) end end end local function sensors() local timer = 2 local pulse = 1 return function(self) timer=timer-self.dtime if timer < 0 then pulse = pulse + 1 -- do full range every third scan local range = self.view_range if pulse > 2 then pulse = 1 else range = self.view_range*0.5 end local pos = self.object:get_pos() --local tim = minetest.get_us_time() self.nearby_objects = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, range) --minetest.chat_send_all(minetest.get_us_time()-tim) for i,obj in ipairs(self.nearby_objects) do if obj == self.object then table.remove(self.nearby_objects,i) break end end timer=2 end end end ------------ -- CALLBACKS ------------ function mobkit.default_brain(self) if mobkit.is_queue_empty_high(self) then mobkit.hq_roam(self,0) end end function mobkit.physics(self) local vel=self.object:get_velocity() local vnew = vector.new(vel) -- dumb friction if self.isonground and not self.isinliquid then vnew = {x= vel.x> 0.2 and vel.x*mobkit.friction or 0, y=vel.y, z=vel.z > 0.2 and vel.z*mobkit.friction or 0} end -- bounciness if self.springiness and self.springiness > 0 then if colinfo and colinfo.collides then for _,c in ipairs(colinfo.collisions) do if c.old_velocity[c.axis] > 0.1 then vnew[c.axis] = vnew[c.axis] * self.springiness * -1 end end elseif not colinfo then -- MT 5.2 and earlier for _,k in ipairs({'y','z','x'}) do if vel[k]==0 and abs(self.lastvelocity[k])> 0.1 then vnew[k]=-self.lastvelocity[k]*self.springiness end end end end self.object:set_velocity(vnew) -- buoyancy local surface = nil local surfnodename = nil local spos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) spos.y = spos.y+0.01 -- get surface height local snodepos = mobkit.get_node_pos(spos) local surfnode = mobkit.nodeatpos(spos) while surfnode and surfnode.drawtype == 'liquid' do surfnodename = surfnode.name surface = snodepos.y+0.5 if surface > spos.y+self.height then break end snodepos.y = snodepos.y+1 surfnode = mobkit.nodeatpos(snodepos) end self.isinliquid = surfnodename if surface then -- standing in liquid -- self.isinliquid = true local submergence = min(surface-spos.y,self.height)/self.height -- local balance = self.buoyancy*self.height local buoyacc = mobkit.gravity*(self.buoyancy-submergence) mobkit.set_acceleration(self.object, {x=-vel.x*self.water_drag,y=buoyacc-vel.y*abs(vel.y)*0.4,z=-vel.z*self.water_drag}) else -- self.isinliquid = false self.object:set_acceleration({x=0,y=mobkit.gravity,z=0}) end end function mobkit.vitals(self) -- vitals: fall damage local vel = self.object:get_velocity() local velocity_delta = abs(self.lastvelocity.y - vel.y) if velocity_delta > mobkit.safe_velocity then self.hp = self.hp - floor(self.max_hp * min(1, velocity_delta/mobkit.terminal_velocity)) end -- vitals: oxygen if self.lung_capacity then local colbox = self.object:get_properties().collisionbox local headnode = mobkit.nodeatpos(mobkit.pos_shift(self.object:get_pos(),{y=colbox[5]})) -- node at hitbox top if headnode and headnode.drawtype == 'liquid' then self.oxygen = self.oxygen - self.dtime else self.oxygen = self.lung_capacity end if self.oxygen <= 0 then self.hp=0 end -- drown end end function mobkit.statfunc(self) local tmptab={} tmptab.memory = self.memory tmptab.hp = self.hp tmptab.texture_no = self.texture_no return minetest.serialize(tmptab) end function mobkit.actfunc(self, staticdata, dtime_s) self.logic = self.logic or self.brainfunc self.physics = self.physics or mobkit.physics self.lqueue = {} self.hqueue = {} self.nearby_objects = {} self.nearby_players = {} self.pos_history = {} self.path_dir = 1 self.time_total = 0 self.water_drag = self.water_drag or 1 local sdata = minetest.deserialize(staticdata) if sdata then for k,v in pairs(sdata) do self[k] = v end end if self.textures==nil then local prop_tex = self.object:get_properties().textures if prop_tex then self.textures=prop_tex end end if not self.memory then -- this is the initial activation self.memory = {} -- texture variation if #self.textures > 1 then self.texture_no = random(#self.textures) end end if self.timeout and ((self.timeout>0 and dtime_s > self.timeout and next(self.memory)==nil) or (self.timeout<0 and dtime_s > abs(self.timeout))) then self.object:remove() end -- apply texture if self.textures and self.texture_no then local props = {} props.textures = {self.textures[self.texture_no]} self.object:set_properties(props) end --hp self.max_hp = self.max_hp or 10 self.hp = self.hp or self.max_hp --armor if type(self.armor_groups) ~= 'table' then self.armor_groups={} end self.armor_groups.immortal = 1 self.object:set_armor_groups(self.armor_groups) self.buoyancy = self.buoyancy or 0 self.oxygen = self.oxygen or self.lung_capacity self.lastvelocity = {x=0,y=0,z=0} self.sensefunc=sensors() end function mobkit.stepfunc(self,dtime,colinfo) -- not intended to be modified self.dtime = min(dtime,0.2) self.colinfo = colinfo self.height = mobkit.get_box_height(self) -- physics comes first local vel = self.object:get_velocity() if colinfo then self.isonground = colinfo.touching_ground else if self.lastvelocity.y==0 and vel.y==0 then self.isonground = true else self.isonground = false end end self:physics() if self.logic then if self.view_range then self:sensefunc() end self:logic() execute_queues(self) end self.lastvelocity = self.object:get_velocity() self.time_total=self.time_total+self.dtime end -- load example behaviors dofile(minetest.get_modpath("mobkit") .. "/example_behaviors.lua") minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(function() local mbkfuns = '' for n,f in pairs(mobkit) do if type(f) == 'function' then mbkfuns = mbkfuns .. n .. string.split(minetest.serialize(f),'.lua')[2] or '' end end local crc = minetest.sha1(mbkfuns) -- dbg(crc) -- if crc ~= 'a061770008fe9ecf8e1042a227dc3beabd10e481' then -- minetest.log("error","Mobkit namespace inconsistent, has been modified by other mods.") -- end end)