local abs = math.abs local pi = math.pi local floor = math.floor local ceil = math.ceil local random = math.random local sqrt = math.sqrt local max = math.max local min = math.min local tan = math.tan local pow = math.pow local dbg = minetest.chat_send_all local abr = tonumber(minetest.get_mapgen_setting('active_block_range')) or 3 local neighbors ={ {x=1,z=0}, {x=1,z=1}, {x=0,z=1}, {x=-1,z=1}, {x=-1,z=0}, {x=-1,z=-1}, {x=0,z=-1}, {x=1,z=-1} } function [yournamespace].dir2neighbor(dir) dir.y=0 dir=vector.round(vector.normalize(dir)) for k,v in ipairs(neighbors) do if v.x == dir.x and v.z == dir.z then return k end end return 1 end function [yournamespace].neighbor_shift(neighbor,shift) -- int shift: minus is left, plus is right return (8+neighbor+shift-1)%8+1 end function [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,neighbor) -- todo: take either number or pos local offset = neighbors[neighbor] local pos=mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) local tpos = mobkit.get_node_pos(mobkit.pos_shift(pos,offset)) local recursteps = ceil(self.jump_height)+1 local height, liquidflag = mobkit.get_terrain_height(tpos,recursteps) if height and abs(height-pos.y) <= self.jump_height then tpos.y = height height = height - pos.y -- don't cut corners if neighbor % 2 == 0 then -- diagonal neighbors are even local n2 = neighbor-1 -- left neighbor never < 0 offset = neighbors[n2] local t2 = mobkit.get_node_pos(mobkit.pos_shift(pos,offset)) local h2 = mobkit.get_terrain_height(t2,recursteps) if h2 and h2 - pos.y > 0.02 then return end n2 = (neighbor+1)%8 -- right neighbor offset = neighbors[n2] t2 = mobkit.get_node_pos(mobkit.pos_shift(pos,offset)) h2 = mobkit.get_terrain_height(t2,recursteps) if h2 and h2 - pos.y > 0.02 then return end end -- check headroom if tpos.y+self.height-pos.y > 1 then -- if head in next node above, else no point checking headroom local snpos = mobkit.get_node_pos(pos) local pos1 = {x=pos.x,y=snpos.y+1,z=pos.z} -- current pos plus node up local pos2 = {x=tpos.x,y=tpos.y+self.height,z=tpos.z} -- target head pos local nodes = mobkit.get_nodes_in_area(pos1,pos2,true) for p,node in pairs(nodes) do if snpos.x==p.x and snpos.z==p.z then if node.name=='ignore' or node.walkable then return end else if node.name=='ignore' or (node.walkable and mobkit.get_node_height(p)>tpos.y+0.001) then return end end end end return height, tpos, liquidflag else return end end function [yournamespace].get_next_waypoint(self,tpos) local pos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) local dir=vector.direction(pos,tpos) local neighbor = [yournamespace].dir2neighbor(dir) local function update_pos_history(self,pos) table.insert(self.pos_history,1,pos) if #self.pos_history > 2 then table.remove(self.pos_history,#self.pos_history) end end local nogopos = self.pos_history[2] local height, pos2, liquidflag = [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,neighbor) if height and not liquidflag and not (nogopos and mobkit.isnear2d(pos2,nogopos,0.1)) then local heightl = [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,[yournamespace].neighbor_shift(neighbor,-1)) if heightl and abs(heightl-height)<0.001 then local heightr = [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,[yournamespace].neighbor_shift(neighbor,1)) if heightr and abs(heightr-height)<0.001 then dir.y = 0 local dirn = vector.normalize(dir) local npos = mobkit.get_node_pos(mobkit.pos_shift(pos,neighbors[neighbor])) local factor = abs(dirn.x) > abs(dirn.z) and abs(npos.x-pos.x) or abs(npos.z-pos.z) pos2=mobkit.pos_shift(pos,{x=dirn.x*factor,z=dirn.z*factor}) end end update_pos_history(self,pos2) return height, pos2 else for i=1,3 do -- scan left local height, pos2, liq = [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,[yournamespace].neighbor_shift(neighbor,-i*self.path_dir)) if height and not liq and not (nogopos and mobkit.isnear2d(pos2,nogopos,0.1)) then update_pos_history(self,pos2) return height,pos2 end -- scan right height, pos2, liq = [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,[yournamespace].neighbor_shift(neighbor,i*self.path_dir)) if height and not liq and not (nogopos and mobkit.isnear2d(pos2,nogopos,0.1)) then update_pos_history(self,pos2) return height,pos2 end end --scan rear height, pos2, liquidflag = [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,[yournamespace].neighbor_shift(neighbor,4)) if height and not liquidflag and not (nogopos and mobkit.isnear2d(pos2,nogopos,0.1)) then update_pos_history(self,pos2) return height,pos2 end end -- stuck condition here table.remove(self.pos_history,2) self.path_dir = self.path_dir*-1 -- subtle change in pathfinding end function [yournamespace].get_next_waypoint_fast(self,tpos,nogopos) local pos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) local dir=vector.direction(pos,tpos) local neighbor = [yournamespace].dir2neighbor(dir) local height, pos2, liquidflag = [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,neighbor) if height and not liquidflag then local fast = false heightl = [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,[yournamespace].neighbor_shift(neighbor,-1)) if heightl and abs(heightl-height)<0.001 then heightr = [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,[yournamespace].neighbor_shift(neighbor,1)) if heightr and abs(heightr-height)<0.001 then fast = true dir.y = 0 local dirn = vector.normalize(dir) local npos = mobkit.get_node_pos(mobkit.pos_shift(pos,neighbors[neighbor])) local factor = abs(dirn.x) > abs(dirn.z) and abs(npos.x-pos.x) or abs(npos.z-pos.z) pos2=mobkit.pos_shift(pos,{x=dirn.x*factor,z=dirn.z*factor}) end end return height, pos2, fast else for i=1,4 do -- scan left height, pos2, liq = [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,[yournamespace].neighbor_shift(neighbor,-i)) if height and not liq then return height,pos2 end -- scan right height, pos2, liq = [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,[yournamespace].neighbor_shift(neighbor,i)) if height and not liq then return height,pos2 end end end end function [yournamespace].goto_next_waypoint(self,tpos) local height, pos2 = [yournamespace].get_next_waypoint(self,tpos) if not height then return false end if height <= 0.01 then local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() local tyaw = minetest.dir_to_yaw(vector.direction(self.object:get_pos(),pos2)) if abs(tyaw-yaw) > 1 then [yournamespace].lq_turn2pos(self,pos2) end [yournamespace].lq_dumbwalk(self,pos2) else [yournamespace].lq_turn2pos(self,pos2) [yournamespace].lq_dumbjump(self,height) end return true end ---------------------------- -- BEHAVIORS ---------------------------- -- LOW LEVEL QUEUE FUNCTIONS ---------------------------- function [yournamespace].lq_turn2pos(self,tpos) local func=function(self) local pos = self.object:get_pos() return mobkit.turn2yaw(self, minetest.dir_to_yaw(vector.direction(pos,tpos))) end mobkit.queue_low(self,func) end function [yournamespace].lq_idle(self,duration,anim) anim = anim or 'stand' local init = true local func=function(self) if init then mobkit.animate(self,anim) init=false end duration = duration-self.dtime if duration <= 0 then return true end end mobkit.queue_low(self,func) end function [yournamespace].lq_dumbwalk(self,dest,speed_factor) local timer = 3 -- failsafe speed_factor = speed_factor or 1 local func=function(self) mobkit.animate(self,'walk') timer = timer - self.dtime if timer < 0 then return true end local pos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) local y = self.object:get_velocity().y if mobkit.is_there_yet2d(pos,minetest.yaw_to_dir(self.object:get_yaw()),dest) then -- if mobkit.isnear2d(pos,dest,0.25) then if not self.isonground or abs(dest.y-pos.y) > 0.1 then -- prevent uncontrolled fall when velocity too high -- if abs(dest.y-pos.y) > 0.1 then -- isonground too slow for speeds > 4 self.object:set_velocity({x=0,y=y,z=0}) end return true end if self.isonground then local dir = vector.normalize(vector.direction({x=pos.x,y=0,z=pos.z}, {x=dest.x,y=0,z=dest.z})) dir = vector.multiply(dir,self.max_speed*speed_factor) -- self.object:set_yaw(minetest.dir_to_yaw(dir)) mobkit.turn2yaw(self,minetest.dir_to_yaw(dir)) dir.y = y self.object:set_velocity(dir) end end mobkit.queue_low(self,func) end -- initial velocity for jump height h, v= a*sqrt(h*2/a) ,add 20% function [yournamespace].lq_dumbjump(self,height,anim) anim = anim or 'stand' local jump = true local func=function(self) local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() if self.isonground then if jump then mobkit.animate(self,anim) local dir = minetest.yaw_to_dir(yaw) dir.y = -mobkit.gravity*sqrt((height+0.35)*2/-mobkit.gravity) self.object:set_velocity(dir) jump = false else -- the eagle has landed return true end else local dir = minetest.yaw_to_dir(yaw) local vel = self.object:get_velocity() if self.lastvelocity.y < 0.9 then dir = vector.multiply(dir,3) end dir.y = vel.y self.object:set_velocity(dir) end end mobkit.queue_low(self,func) end function [yournamespace].lq_jumpout(self) local phase = 1 local func=function(self) local vel=self.object:get_velocity() if phase == 1 then vel.y=vel.y+5 self.object:set_velocity(vel) phase = 2 else if vel.y < 0 then return true end local dir = minetest.yaw_to_dir(self.object:get_yaw()) dir.y=vel.y self.object:set_velocity(dir) end end mobkit.queue_low(self,func) end function [yournamespace].lq_freejump(self) local phase = 1 local func=function(self) local vel=self.object:get_velocity() if phase == 1 then vel.y=vel.y+6 self.object:set_velocity(vel) phase = 2 else if vel.y <= 0.01 then return true end local dir = minetest.yaw_to_dir(self.object:get_yaw()) dir.y=vel.y self.object:set_velocity(dir) end end mobkit.queue_low(self,func) end function [yournamespace].lq_jumpattack(self,height,target) local init=true local timer=0.5 local tgtbox = target:get_properties().collisionbox local func=function(self) if not mobkit.is_alive(target) then return true end if self.isonground then if init then -- collision bug workaround local vel = self.object:get_velocity() local dir = minetest.yaw_to_dir(self.object:get_yaw()) dir=vector.multiply(dir,6) dir.y = -mobkit.gravity*sqrt(height*2/-mobkit.gravity) self.object:set_velocity(dir) mobkit.make_sound(self,'charge') init=false else [yournamespace].lq_idle(self,0.3) return true end else local tgtpos = target:get_pos() local pos = self.object:get_pos() -- calculate attack spot local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() local dir = minetest.yaw_to_dir(yaw) local apos = mobkit.pos_translate2d(pos,yaw,self.attack.range) if mobkit.is_pos_in_box(apos,tgtpos,tgtbox) then --bite target:punch(self.object,1,self.attack) -- bounce off local vy = self.object:get_velocity().y self.object:set_velocity({x=dir.x*-3,y=vy,z=dir.z*-3}) -- play attack sound if defined mobkit.make_sound(self,'attack') return true end end end mobkit.queue_low(self,func) end function [yournamespace].lq_fallover(self) local zrot = 0 local init = true local func=function(self) if init then local vel = self.object:get_velocity() self.object:set_velocity(mobkit.pos_shift(vel,{y=1})) mobkit.animate(self,'stand') init = false end zrot=zrot+pi*0.05 local rot = self.object:get_rotation() self.object:set_rotation({x=rot.x,y=rot.y,z=zrot}) if zrot >= pi*0.5 then return true end end mobkit.queue_low(self,func) end ----------------------------- -- HIGH LEVEL QUEUE FUNCTIONS ----------------------------- function [yournamespace].dumbstep(self,height,tpos,speed_factor,idle_duration) if height <= 0.001 then [yournamespace].lq_turn2pos(self,tpos) [yournamespace].lq_dumbwalk(self,tpos,speed_factor) else [yournamespace].lq_turn2pos(self,tpos) [yournamespace].lq_dumbjump(self,height) end idle_duration = idle_duration or 6 [yournamespace].lq_idle(self,random(ceil(idle_duration*0.5),idle_duration)) end function [yournamespace].hq_roam(self,prty) local func=function(self) if mobkit.is_queue_empty_low(self) and self.isonground then local pos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) local neighbor = random(8) local height, tpos, liquidflag = [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,neighbor) if height and not liquidflag then [yournamespace].dumbstep(self,height,tpos,0.3) end end end mobkit.queue_high(self,func,prty) end function [yournamespace].hq_follow0(self,tgtobj) -- probably delete this one local func = function(self) if not tgtobj then return true end if mobkit.is_queue_empty_low(self) and self.isonground then local pos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) local opos = tgtobj:get_pos() if vector.distance(pos,opos) > 3 then local neighbor = [yournamespace].dir2neighbor(vector.direction(pos,opos)) if not neighbor then return true end --temp debug local height, tpos = [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,neighbor) if height then [yournamespace].dumbstep(self,height,tpos) else for i=1,4 do --scan left height, tpos = [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,(8+neighbor-i-1)%8+1) if height then [yournamespace].dumbstep(self,height,tpos) break end --scan right height, tpos = [yournamespace].is_neighbor_node_reachable(self,(neighbor+i-1)%8+1) if height then [yournamespace].dumbstep(self,height,tpos) break end end end else [yournamespace].lq_idle(self,1) end end end mobkit.queue_high(self,func,0) end function [yournamespace].hq_follow(self,prty,tgtobj) local func = function(self) if not mobkit.is_alive(tgtobj) then return true end if mobkit.is_queue_empty_low(self) and self.isonground then local pos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) local opos = tgtobj:get_pos() if vector.distance(pos,opos) > 3 then [yournamespace].goto_next_waypoint(self,opos) else [yournamespace].lq_idle(self,1) end end end mobkit.queue_high(self,func,prty) end function [yournamespace].hq_goto(self,prty,tpos) local func = function(self) if mobkit.is_queue_empty_low(self) and self.isonground then local pos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) if vector.distance(pos,tpos) > 3 then [yournamespace].goto_next_waypoint(self,tpos) else return true end end end mobkit.queue_high(self,func,prty) end function [yournamespace].hq_runfrom(self,prty,tgtobj) local init=true local timer=6 local func = function(self) if not mobkit.is_alive(tgtobj) then return true end if init then timer = timer-self.dtime if timer <=0 or vector.distance(self.object:get_pos(),tgtobj:get_pos()) < 8 then mobkit.make_sound(self,'scared') init=false end return end if mobkit.is_queue_empty_low(self) and self.isonground then local pos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) local opos = tgtobj:get_pos() if vector.distance(pos,opos) < self.view_range*1.1 then local tpos = {x=2*pos.x - opos.x, y=opos.y, z=2*pos.z - opos.z} [yournamespace].goto_next_waypoint(self,tpos) else self.object:set_velocity({x=0,y=0,z=0}) return true end end end mobkit.queue_high(self,func,prty) end function [yournamespace].hq_hunt(self,prty,tgtobj) local func = function(self) if not mobkit.is_alive(tgtobj) then return true end if mobkit.is_queue_empty_low(self) and self.isonground then local pos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) local opos = tgtobj:get_pos() local dist = vector.distance(pos,opos) if dist > self.view_range then return true elseif dist > 3 then [yournamespace].goto_next_waypoint(self,opos) else [yournamespace].hq_attack(self,prty+1,tgtobj) end end end mobkit.queue_high(self,func,prty) end function [yournamespace].hq_warn(self,prty,tgtobj) local timer=0 local tgttime = 0 local init = true local func = function(self) if not mobkit.is_alive(tgtobj) then return true end if init then mobkit.animate(self,'stand') init = false end local pos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) local opos = tgtobj:get_pos() local dist = vector.distance(pos,opos) if dist > 11 then return true elseif dist < 4 or timer > 12 then -- too close man -- mobkit.clear_queue_high(self) mobkit.remember(self,'hate',tgtobj:get_player_name()) [yournamespace].hq_hunt(self,prty+1,tgtobj) -- priority else timer = timer+self.dtime if mobkit.is_queue_empty_low(self) then [yournamespace].lq_turn2pos(self,opos) end -- make noise in random intervals if timer > tgttime then mobkit.make_sound(self,'warn') -- if self.sounds and self.sounds.warn then -- minetest.sound_play(self.sounds.warn, {object=self.object}) -- end tgttime = timer + 1.1 + random()*1.5 end end end mobkit.queue_high(self,func,prty) end function [yournamespace].hq_die(self) local timer = 5 local start = true local func = function(self) if start then [yournamespace].lq_fallover(self) self.logic = function(self) end -- brain dead as well start=false end timer = timer-self.dtime if timer < 0 then self.object:remove() end end mobkit.queue_high(self,func,100) end function [yournamespace].hq_attack(self,prty,tgtobj) local func = function(self) if not mobkit.is_alive(tgtobj) then return true end if mobkit.is_queue_empty_low(self) then local pos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) -- local tpos = tgtobj:get_pos() local tpos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(tgtobj) local dist = vector.distance(pos,tpos) if dist > 3 then return true else [yournamespace].lq_turn2pos(self,tpos) local height = tgtobj:is_player() and 0.35 or tgtobj:get_luaentity().height*0.6 if tpos.y+height>pos.y then [yournamespace].lq_jumpattack(self,tpos.y+height-pos.y,tgtobj) else [yournamespace].lq_dumbwalk(self,mobkit.pos_shift(tpos,{x=random()-0.5,z=random()-0.5})) end end end end mobkit.queue_high(self,func,prty) end function [yournamespace].hq_liquid_recovery(self,prty) -- scan for nearest land local radius = 1 local yaw = 0 local func = function(self) if not self.isinliquid then return true end local pos=self.object:get_pos() local vec = minetest.yaw_to_dir(yaw) local pos2 = mobkit.pos_shift(pos,vector.multiply(vec,radius)) local height, liquidflag = mobkit.get_terrain_height(pos2) if height and not liquidflag then [yournamespace].hq_swimto(self,prty,pos2) return true end yaw=yaw+pi*0.25 if yaw>2*pi then yaw = 0 radius=radius+1 if radius > self.view_range then self.hp = 0 return true end end end mobkit.queue_high(self,func,prty) end function [yournamespace].hq_swimto(self,prty,tpos) local box = self.object:get_properties().collisionbox local cols = {} local func = function(self) if not self.isinliquid then if self.isonground then return true end return false end local pos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) local y=self.object:get_velocity().y local pos2d = {x=pos.x,y=tpos.y,z=pos.z} local dir=vector.normalize(vector.direction(pos2d,tpos)) local yaw = minetest.dir_to_yaw(dir) if mobkit.timer(self,1) then cols = mobkit.get_box_displace_cols(pos,box,dir,1) for _,p in ipairs(cols[1]) do p.y=pos.y local h,l = mobkit.get_terrain_height(p) if h and h>pos.y and self.isinliquid then [yournamespace].lq_freejump(self) break end end elseif mobkit.turn2yaw(self,yaw) then dir.y = y self.object:set_velocity(dir) end end mobkit.queue_high(self,func,prty) end --------------------- -- AQUATIC --------------------- -- MACROS local function aqua_radar_dumb(pos,yaw,range,reverse) range = range or 4 local function okpos(p) local node = mobkit.nodeatpos(p) if node then if node.drawtype == 'liquid' then local nodeu = mobkit.nodeatpos(mobkit.pos_shift(p,{y=1})) local noded = mobkit.nodeatpos(mobkit.pos_shift(p,{y=-1})) if (nodeu and nodeu.drawtype == 'liquid') or (noded and noded.drawtype == 'liquid') then return true else return false end else local h,l = mobkit.get_terrain_height(p) if h then local node2 = mobkit.nodeatpos({x=p.x,y=h+1.99,z=p.z}) if node2 and node2.drawtype == 'liquid' then return true, h end else return false end end else return false end end local fpos = mobkit.pos_translate2d(pos,yaw,range) local ok,h = okpos(fpos) if not ok then local ffrom, fto, fstep if reverse then ffrom, fto, fstep = 3,1,-1 else ffrom, fto, fstep = 1,3,1 end for i=ffrom, fto, fstep do local ok,h = okpos(mobkit.pos_translate2d(pos,yaw+i,range)) if ok then return yaw+i,h end ok,h = okpos(mobkit.pos_translate2d(pos,yaw-i,range)) if ok then return yaw-i,h end end return yaw+pi,h else return yaw, h end end function [yournamespace].is_in_deep(target) if not target then return false end local nodepos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(target) local node1 = mobkit.nodeatpos(nodepos) nodepos.y=nodepos.y+1 local node2 = mobkit.nodeatpos(nodepos) nodepos.y=nodepos.y-2 local node3 = mobkit.nodeatpos(nodepos) if node1 and node2 and node3 and node1.drawtype=='liquid' and (node2.drawtype=='liquid' or node3.drawtype=='liquid') then return true end end -- HQ behaviors function [yournamespace].hq_aqua_roam(self,prty,speed) local tyaw = 0 local init = true local prvscanpos = {x=0,y=0,z=0} local center = self.object:get_pos() local func = function(self) if init then mobkit.animate(self,'def') init = false end local pos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() local scanpos = mobkit.get_node_pos(mobkit.pos_translate2d(pos,yaw,speed)) if not vector.equals(prvscanpos,scanpos) then prvscanpos=scanpos local nyaw,height = aqua_radar_dumb(pos,yaw,speed,true) if height and height > pos.y then local vel = self.object:get_velocity() vel.y = vel.y+1 self.object:set_velocity(vel) end if yaw ~= nyaw then tyaw=nyaw [yournamespace].hq_aqua_turn(self,prty+1,tyaw,speed) return end end if mobkit.timer(self,1) then if vector.distance(pos,center) > abr*16*0.5 then tyaw = minetest.dir_to_yaw(vector.direction(pos,{x=center.x+random()*10-5,y=center.y,z=center.z+random()*10-5})) else if random(10)>=9 then tyaw=tyaw+random()*pi - pi*0.5 end end end mobkit.turn2yaw(self,tyaw,3) -- local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() mobkit.go_forward_horizontal(self,speed) end mobkit.queue_high(self,func,prty) end function [yournamespace].hq_aqua_turn(self,prty,tyaw,speed) local func = function(self) local finished=mobkit.turn2yaw(self,tyaw) -- local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() mobkit.go_forward_horizontal(self,speed) if finished then return true end end mobkit.queue_high(self,func,prty) end function [yournamespace].hq_aqua_attack(self,prty,tgtobj,speed) local tyaw = 0 local prvscanpos = {x=0,y=0,z=0} local init = true local tgtbox = tgtobj:get_properties().collisionbox local func = function(self) if not mobkit.is_alive(tgtobj) then return true end if init then mobkit.animate(self,'fast') mobkit.make_sound(self,'attack') init = false end local pos = mobkit.get_stand_pos(self) local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() local scanpos = mobkit.get_node_pos(mobkit.pos_translate2d(pos,yaw,speed)) if not vector.equals(prvscanpos,scanpos) then prvscanpos=scanpos local nyaw,height = aqua_radar_dumb(pos,yaw,speed*0.5) if height and height > pos.y then local vel = self.object:get_velocity() vel.y = vel.y+1 self.object:set_velocity(vel) end if yaw ~= nyaw then tyaw=nyaw [yournamespace].hq_aqua_turn(self,prty+1,tyaw,speed) return end end local tpos = tgtobj:get_pos() local tyaw=minetest.dir_to_yaw(vector.direction(pos,tpos)) mobkit.turn2yaw(self,tyaw,3) local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() if mobkit.timer(self,1) then if not [yournamespace].is_in_deep(tgtobj) then return true end local vel = self.object:get_velocity() if tpos.y>pos.y+0.5 then self.object:set_velocity({x=vel.x,y=vel.y+0.5,z=vel.z}) elseif tpos.y