-- Hot Dog (dachshund). Descended from "22i-amcaw" mobset. -- =================================================================== -- Media license. Applies to model and associated textures. -- GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE -- Version 3, 29 June 2007 -- =================================================================== local lcname = "hotdog" local ucname = "HotDog" local msname = "codermobs_" .. lcname local obj_name = "codermobs:" .. lcname -- =================================================================== mobs_param = { lcname = lcname , ucname = ucname , obj_name = obj_name , aoc = -1 , spawn_chance = 20000 , day_mode = true , min_light = 14 , max_light = 20 , min_height = 0 , max_height = 200 , spawn_type = "animal" , spawn_nodes = { "default:dirt_with_grass" , "ethereal:green_dirt" , "ethereal:green_dirt_top" , "ethereal:grove_dirt" , "mg:dirt_with_dry_grass" , "noisegrid:grass" , } , add_egg = true , egg_image = "wool_pink.png" , } -- =================================================================== codermobs.adjust_param() -- =================================================================== mobs_param.core_param = { type = mobs_param.spawn_type , makes_footstep_sound = true , -- =================================================================== -- Basic parameters. type = mobs_param.spawn_type , makes_footstep_sound = true , -- Behavior/sight/battle armor = 150 , attack_npcs = false , attack_type = "dogfight" , damage = 3 , group_attack = true , hp_max = 35 , hp_min = 12 , owner_loyal = true , passive = false , pushable = true , reach = 1 , runaway = true , view_range = 10 , -- Velocities run_velocity = 1.5 , walk_velocity = 1.0 , -- Step/jump/fall parameters fall_damage = 1 , fear_height = 5 , jump = true , jump_height = 2 , stepheight = 1.2 , -- Environment damage lava_damage = 2 , light_damage = 0 , water_damage = 0 , -- Misc. parameters floats = 0 , -- =================================================================== -- Model. -- x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 collisionbox = { -0.20, 0.00, -0.20, 0.20, 0.15, 0.20 } , mesh = msname .. ".b3d" , rotate = 180 , scale = 4 , visual = "mesh" , textures = {{ msname .. "_mesh.png" }} , animation = { stand_start = 40 , stand_end = 80 , walk_start = 0 , walk_end = 40 , run_start = 0 , run_end = 40 , speed_normal = 25 , speed_run = 30 , } , -- =================================================================== -- Other. sounds = { }, follow = { "default:apple", "farming:potato" } , drops = { { name="mobs:meat_raw", chance=1, min=1, max=1 } , } , on_rightclick = function (self, clicker) if mobs:feed_tame(self, clicker, 8, true, true) then return end if mobs:protect(self, clicker) then return end if mobs:capture_mob(self, clicker, 0, 5, 50, false, nil) then return end end, } -- =================================================================== codermobs.setup_mob() codermobs.log_done() -- =================================================================== -- End of file.