--[[ Core functions for Thirsty. See init.lua for license. ]] local PPA = thirsty.persistent_player_attributes PPA.register({ name = 'thirsty_hydro', min = 0, max = 50, default = 20, }) function thirsty.on_joinplayer(player) local name = player:get_player_name() -- default entry for new players if not thirsty.players[name] then local pos = player:getpos() thirsty.players[name] = { last_pos = math.floor(pos.x) .. ':' .. math.floor(pos.z), time_in_pos = 0.0, pending_dmg = 0.0, thirst_factor = 1.0, } end thirsty.hud_init(player) end function thirsty.on_dieplayer(player) local name = player:get_player_name() local pl = thirsty.players[name] -- reset after death PPA.set_value(player, 'thirsty_hydro', 20) pl.pending_dmg = 0.0 pl.thirst_factor = 1.0 end --[[ Getters, setters and such ]] function thirsty.drink(player, value, max) -- if max is not specified, assume 20 if not max then max = 20 end local hydro = PPA.get_value(player, 'thirsty_hydro') -- test whether we're not *above* max; -- this function should not remove any overhydration if hydro < max then hydro = math.min(hydro + value, max) --print("Drinking by "..value.." to "..hydro) PPA.set_value(player, 'thirsty_hydro', hydro) return true end return false end function thirsty.get_hydro(player) return PPA.get_value(player, 'thirsty_hydro') end function thirsty.set_thirst_factor(player, factor) local name = player:get_player_name() local pl = thirsty.players[name] pl.thirst_factor = factor end function thirsty.get_thirst_factor(player) local name = player:get_player_name() local pl = thirsty.players[name] return pl.thirst_factor end --[[ Main Loop (Tier 0) ]] function thirsty.main_loop(dtime) -- get thirsty thirsty.time_next_tick = thirsty.time_next_tick - dtime while thirsty.time_next_tick < 0.0 do -- time for thirst thirsty.time_next_tick = thirsty.time_next_tick + thirsty.config.tick_time for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do if player:get_hp() <= 0 then -- dead players don't get thirsty, or full for that matter :-P break end local name = player:get_player_name() local pos = player:getpos() local pl = thirsty.players[name] local hydro = PPA.get_value(player, 'thirsty_hydro') -- how long have we been standing "here"? -- (the node coordinates in X and Z should be enough) local pos_hash = math.floor(pos.x) .. ':' .. math.floor(pos.z) if pl.last_pos == pos_hash then pl.time_in_pos = pl.time_in_pos + thirsty.config.tick_time else -- you moved! pl.last_pos = pos_hash pl.time_in_pos = 0.0 end local pl_standing = pl.time_in_pos > thirsty.config.stand_still_for_drink local pl_afk = pl.time_in_pos > thirsty.config.stand_still_for_afk --print("Standing: " .. (pl_standing and 'true' or 'false' ) .. ", AFK: " .. (pl_afk and 'true' or 'false')) pos.y = pos.y + 0.1 local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local drink_per_second = thirsty.config.regen_from_node[node.name] or 0 -- fountaining (uses pos, slight changes ok) for k, fountain in pairs(thirsty.fountains) do local dx = fountain.pos.x - pos.x local dy = fountain.pos.y - pos.y local dz = fountain.pos.z - pos.z local dist2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz local fdist = fountain.level * thirsty.config.fountain_distance_per_level -- max 100 nodes radius --print (string.format("Distance from %s (%d): %f out of %f", k, fountain.level, math.sqrt(dist2), fdist )) if dist2 < fdist * fdist then -- in range, drink as if standing (still) in water drink_per_second = math.max(thirsty.config.regen_from_fountain or 0, drink_per_second) pl_standing = true break -- no need to check the other fountains end end -- amulets -- TODO: I *guess* we need to optimize this, but I haven't -- measured it yet. No premature optimizations! local pl_inv = player:get_inventory() local extractor_max = 0.0 local injector_max = 0.0 local container_not_full = nil local container_not_empty = nil local inv_main = player:get_inventory():get_list('main') for i, itemstack in ipairs(inv_main) do local name = itemstack:get_name() local injector_this = thirsty.config.injection_for_item[name] if injector_this and injector_this > injector_max then injector_max = injector_this end local extractor_this = thirsty.config.extraction_for_item[name] if extractor_this and extractor_this > extractor_max then extractor_max = extractor_this end if thirsty.config.container_capacity[name] then local wear = itemstack:get_wear() -- can be both! if wear == 0 or wear > 1 then container_not_full = { i, itemstack } end if wear > 0 and wear < 65534 then container_not_empty = { i, itemstack } end end end if extractor_max > 0.0 and container_not_full then local i = container_not_full[1] local itemstack = container_not_full[2] local capacity = thirsty.config.container_capacity[itemstack:get_name()] local wear = itemstack:get_wear() if wear == 0 then wear = 65535.0 end local drink = extractor_max * thirsty.config.tick_time local drinkwear = drink / capacity * 65535.0 wear = wear - drinkwear if wear < 1 then wear = 1 end itemstack:set_wear(wear) player:get_inventory():set_stack("main", i, itemstack) end if injector_max > 0.0 and container_not_empty then local i = container_not_empty[1] local itemstack = container_not_empty[2] local capacity = thirsty.config.container_capacity[itemstack:get_name()] local wear = itemstack:get_wear() if wear == 0 then wear = 65535.0 end local drink = injector_max * thirsty.config.tick_time local drink_missing = 20 - hydro drink = math.max(math.min(drink, drink_missing), 0) local drinkwear = drink / capacity * 65535.0 wear = wear + drinkwear if wear > 65534 then wear = 65534 end itemstack:set_wear(wear) thirsty.drink(player, drink, 20) hydro = PPA.get_value(player, 'thirsty_hydro') player:get_inventory():set_stack("main", i, itemstack) end if drink_per_second > 0 and pl_standing then -- Drinking from the ground won't give you more than max thirsty.drink(player, drink_per_second * thirsty.config.tick_time, 20) --print("Raising hydration by "..(drink_per_second*thirsty.config.tick_time).." to "..PPA.get_value(player, 'thirsty_hydro')) else if not pl_afk then -- only get thirsty if not AFK local amount = thirsty.config.thirst_per_second * thirsty.config.tick_time * pl.thirst_factor PPA.set_value(player, 'thirsty_hydro', hydro - amount) hydro = PPA.get_value(player, 'thirsty_hydro') --print("Lowering hydration by "..amount.." to "..hydro) end end -- should we only update the hud on an actual change? thirsty.hud_update(player, hydro) -- damage, if enabled if minetest.setting_getbool("enable_damage") then -- maybe not the best way to do this, but it does mean -- we can do anything with one tick loop if hydro <= 0.0 and not pl_afk then pl.pending_dmg = pl.pending_dmg + thirsty.config.damage_per_second * thirsty.config.tick_time --print("Pending damage at " .. pl.pending_dmg) if pl.pending_dmg > 1.0 then local dmg = math.floor(pl.pending_dmg) pl.pending_dmg = pl.pending_dmg - dmg player:set_hp( player:get_hp() - dmg ) end else -- forget any pending damage when not thirsty pl.pending_dmg = 0.0 end end end -- for players -- check fountains for expiration for k, fountain in pairs(thirsty.fountains) do fountain.time_until_check = fountain.time_until_check - thirsty.config.tick_time if fountain.time_until_check <= 0 then -- remove fountain, the abm will set it again --print("Removing fountain at " .. k) thirsty.fountains[k] = nil end end end end --[[ General handler Most tools, nodes and craftitems use the same code, so here it is: ]] function thirsty.drink_handler(player, itemstack, node) local pl = thirsty.players[player:get_player_name()] local hydro = PPA.get_value(player, 'thirsty_hydro') local old_hydro = hydro -- selectors, always true, to make the following code easier local item_name = itemstack and itemstack:get_name() or ':' local node_name = node and node.name or ':' if thirsty.config.node_drinkable[node_name] then -- we found something to drink! local cont_level = thirsty.config.drink_from_container[item_name] or 0 local node_level = thirsty.config.drink_from_node[node_name] or 0 -- drink until level local level = math.max(cont_level, node_level) --print("Drinking to level " .. level) thirsty.drink(player, level, level) -- fill container, if applicable if thirsty.config.container_capacity[item_name] then --print("Filling a " .. item_name .. " to " .. thirsty.config.container_capacity[item_name]) itemstack:set_wear(1) -- "looks full" end elseif thirsty.config.container_capacity[item_name] then -- drinking from a container if itemstack:get_wear() ~= 0 then local capacity = thirsty.config.container_capacity[item_name] local hydro_missing = 20 - hydro; if hydro_missing > 0 then local wear_missing = hydro_missing / capacity * 65535.0; local wear = itemstack:get_wear() local new_wear = math.ceil(math.max(wear + wear_missing, 1)) if (new_wear > 65534) then wear_missing = 65534 - wear new_wear = 65534 end itemstack:set_wear(new_wear) if wear_missing > 0 then -- rounding glitches? thirsty.drink(player, wear_missing * capacity / 65535.0, 20) hydro = PPA.get_value(player, 'thirsty_hydro') end end end end -- update HUD if value changed if hydro ~= old_hydro then thirsty.hud_update(player, hydro) end end --[[ Adapters for drink_handler to on_use and on_rightclick slots. These close over the next handler to call in a chain, if desired. ]] function thirsty.on_use( old_on_use ) return function(itemstack, player, pointed_thing) local node = nil if pointed_thing and pointed_thing.type == 'node' then node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under) end thirsty.drink_handler(player, itemstack, node) -- call original on_use, if provided if old_on_use ~= nil then return old_on_use(itemstack, player, pointed_thing) else return itemstack end end end function thirsty.on_rightclick( old_on_rightclick ) return function(pos, node, player, itemstack, pointed_thing) thirsty.drink_handler(player, itemstack, node) -- call original on_rightclick, if provided if old_on_rightclick ~= nil then return old_on_rightclick(pos, node, player, itemstack, pointed_thing) else return itemstack end end end --[[ Adapter to add "drink_handler" to any item (node, tool, craftitem). ]] function thirsty.augment_item_for_drinking( itemname, level ) local new_definition = {} -- we need to be able to point at the water new_definition.liquids_pointable = true -- call closure generator with original on_use handler new_definition.on_use = thirsty.on_use( minetest.registered_items[itemname].on_use ) -- overwrite the node definition with almost the original minetest.override_item(itemname, new_definition) -- add configuration settings thirsty.config.drink_from_container[itemname] = level end function thirsty.fountain_abm(pos, node) local fountain_count = 0 local water_count = 0 local total_count = 0 for y = 0, thirsty.config.fountain_height do for x = -y, y do for z = -y, y do local n = minetest.get_node({ x = pos.x + x, y = pos.y - y + 1, -- start one *above* the fountain z = pos.z + z }) if n then --print(string.format("%s at %d:%d:%d", n.name, pos.x+x, pos.y-y+1, pos.z+z)) total_count = total_count + 1 local type = thirsty.config.fountain_type[n.name] or '' if type == 'f' then fountain_count = fountain_count + 1 elseif type == 'w' then water_count = water_count + 1 end end end end end local level = math.min(thirsty.config.fountain_max_level, math.min(fountain_count, water_count)) --print(string.format("Fountain (%d): %d + %d / %d", level, fountain_count, water_count, total_count)) thirsty.fountains[string.format("%d:%d:%d", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)] = { pos = { x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z }, level = level, -- time until check is 20 seconds, or twice the average -- time until the abm ticks again. Should be enough. time_until_check = 20, } end