Name: cakepie Source: Fork of existing mod - Do not replace License: See "license.txt" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This is a fork of an older mod. The starting point was obtained in- itially as follows: rm -fr pie git clone cd pie git reset --hard 58b1d70975ab697623fa553340b5e282ed8ee68e ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Usage. 2.1. The new mod, which is named "cakepie", defines a number of cakes and/or pies. These are separate from cakes and/or pies that may be de- fined by the "farming" mod. 2.2. To eat one of these cakes or pies, you need to place it and then punch it. It'll turn into successively thinner slices, which is fun to observe. 2.3. The following aliases are supported and recommended: cake:banana - Banana cake cake:breadpudding - Bread pudding cake:cake - Standard cake cake:cheesecake - Strawberry cheesecake cake:chocolate - Chocolate cake cake:coffee - Coffee cake cake:meat - Meat cake cake:redvelvet - Red Velvet cake pie:apple - Apple pie pie:orange - Orange pie pie:rhubarb - Rhubarb pie 2.4. "cakepie" supersedes older "cake" and "pie" mods and shouldn't be combined with them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Partial list of changes: 3a. Scaled PNG files up 4X using "scalerx". 3b. Replaced "register_pie" (a local function) with "pie.register_ pie" (a global function). The new global function can be used by mods in general to register a new type of cake or pie. The function takes either 2 or 3 arguments: Image base string (see below) Description mod name (optional) The function appends the following strings to the image base string to get the associated image-file names: _top.png _bottom.png _side.png If a mod name is specified, the function registers a cake or pie in the specified namespace. Otherwise, the namespace "pie" is used. Example: The following call: pie.register_pie ("lemoncake", "Lemon Cake", "delicious") registers the following four cake (or pie) nodes: delicious:lemoncake_0 delicious:lemoncake_1 delicious:lemoncake_2 delicious:lemoncake_3 which are successively thinner slices of Lemon Cake. 3c. Deleted "mod.conf". 3d. Added a missing type of rhubarb pie that's needed by some worlds. 3e. Also added a first take on an apple pie. Note: The initial version is simply a copy of the banana pie. 3f. Added a number of aliases. 3g. Added the files "00README" and "oldcoder.txt" (this file).