Name: tpa Source: Original mod License: See "LICENSE" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "tpa" or, more formally, Minetest "tpa" mod, is a mod, or extension, for Minetest 0.4.13 or above that adds "chat" commands of the follow- ing type: /tpa 10 The command shown here teleports the player to area #10, using "area" mod area numbers as a basis. Any valid area number may be specified. By default, to use "/tpa" commands, players need the "areas" and "noclip" privileges. If a server owner wants to allow most players to use "/tpa", he or she can add the following setting to "minetest.conf": tpamode = lax This setting lets anybody with the "shout" privilege use "/tpa". Alternatively, the following setting treats "/tpa" as a teleport capa- bility and lets people with the "teleport" privilege use "/tpa": tpamode = teleport The "tpa" mod requires ShadowNinja's "areas" mod, which may be ob- tained from: To install "tpa", use the usual Minetest mod procedures. If you're in- stalling from a GitHub ZIP file, remember to rename the "tpa" direc- tory from tpa-master or any similar name to just "tpa". The License for this mod is: WTFPL. This mod is by Shara RedCat and shivajiva with kibitzing by OldCoder.