local wrench_debug = 0 -- Hack to compute pitch based on eye position instead of feet position local eye_offset_hack = 1.7 -- Number of uses of a steel wench. The actual number may be slightly -- lower, depending on how well this number divides 65535 local wrench_uses_steel = 450 -- List of predefined wrench materials to register. -- To disable, prefix with '--'. E.g.: -- --wood = true, -- To register the wrench, but not the recipe, set the value to false. E.g.: -- steel = false, -- To register the wrench, and the recipe, set the value to true. E.g.: -- steel = true, local default_wrenches = { --wood = true, -- disabled steel = true, copper = true, gold = true, } local mod_name = "rotate" local privilege_name -- Privilege associated with the wrench. -- privilege checking is disabled if set to nil (or false) --privilege_name = "twist" -- Choose recipe. -- Options: -- "beak_north" -- may conflict with another wrench (technic ?) -- "beak_northwest" -- "beak_west" -- "beak_southwest" -- "beak_south" local craft_recipe = "beak_west" -- Register a second, alternate recipe local alt_recipe = false -- How to incidate the orientation of the positioning wrenches. -- "axis_rot": uses the 'axismode' and 'rotmode' images -- "cube": use an exploded cube with different colors -- "linear": use images 'wrench_mode_.png'. E.g.: wrench_mode_s53.png -- (Note: such images do not exist yet...) local wrench_orientation_indicator = "cube" ---------------------------------------- ----- END OF CONFIGURATION SECTION ----- ---------------------------------------- local mod_name_upper=string.upper(mod_name) -- Global entry point - for other mods that wish to define custom wrenches, -- or custom crafting recipes if rawget(_G,mod_name) ~= nil then error(string.format("[%s] cannot register global name '%s' - name already exists", mod_name_upper, mod_name)) end _G[mod_name] = {} local module = _G[mod_name] module.debug = wrench_debug module.api_config = { eye_offset_hack = eye_offset_hack, craft_recipe = craft_recipe, alt_recipe = alt_recipe, wrench_orientation_indicator = wrench_orientation_indicator, wrench_uses_steel = wrench_uses_steel, privilege_name = privilege_name, } module.wrenches_config = { default_wrenches = default_wrenches, } local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(mod_name) dofile(modpath .. "/wrench_api.lua") dofile(modpath .. "/register_default.lua") -- make private stuff inaccessible _G[mod_name] = module.api return module.api