--[===================================================================[-- ffi_accel - Mod for Minetest to accelerate handling of LuaVoxelManip and PerlinNoiseMap through the foreign function interface Copyright (c) 2019 Pedro Gimeno Fortea. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to everyone to copy, modify, distribute and use this file, for any purpose, in whole or in part, free of charge, under the sole condition that the above copyright notice, together with this permission grant and the disclaimer below, are included in all copies of this software or of a substantial portion of it. THIS SOFTWARE COMES WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. --]===================================================================]-- -- Based on an idea of EvidenceBKidsCode. -- This mod needs to apply a patch to the engine in order to work; see -- local modname = "Mod ffi_accel" local err_prefix = modname .. " won't have any effect because " local ie = minetest.request_insecure_environment() if not ie then minetest.log ("warning", err_prefix .. "it's not declared in secure.trusted_mods") return end -- We need raw read access to the metatables for monkey-patching local getmetatable = ie.debug.getmetatable local setmetatable = setmetatable local ok, ffi = pcall (ie.require, 'ffi') if not ok or not ffi then minetest.log ("warning", err_prefix .. "FFI is not available in this system") return end ffi.cdef[[ typedef uint8_t u8; typedef uint16_t u16; typedef int32_t s32; typedef struct { u16 nodeid; u8 light; u8 param2; } MapNode; int get_mapnode_version(void); void VoxelManip_get_pointer(void **lvmp, void **ptr); s32 VoxelManip_get_volume(void **lvmp); void PerlinNoiseMap_get_pointer(void **pnmp, void **ptr); size_t PerlinNoiseMap_get_area(void **pnmp); size_t PerlinNoiseMap_get_volume(void **pnmp); ]] local ffiC = ffi.C local VoidPtrPtr = ffi.typeof('void*[1]') local MapNodePtr = ffi.typeof('MapNode *') local mt_set_data, mt_set_light_data, mt_set_param2_data if not pcall(function () assert (ffiC.get_mapnode_version and ffiC.VoxelManip_get_pointer and ffiC.VoxelManip_get_volume and ffiC.PerlinNoiseMap_get_pointer) end) then minetest.log ("warning", err_prefix .. "your Minetest executable hasn't been patched to support FFI") return end if ffiC.get_mapnode_version() ~= 1 then minetest.log ("warning", err_prefix .. "of incompatible map node structure") return end -- Table of pointers (keys are weak refs) local ptrtable = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'k'}) -- Table of sizes (keys are weak refs) local sizetable = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'k'}) -- Metamethod: get a value local function mm_get(t, idx) return idx >= 1 and idx <= sizetable[t] and ptrtable[t][idx - 1] or rawget(t, idx) end -- Metamethod: set a value local function mm_set(t, idx, value) if idx >= 1 and idx <= sizetable[t] then ptrtable[t][idx - 1] = value else rawset(t, idx, value) end end -- Metamethod: get the nodeid of an index local function mm_get_nodeid(t, idx) return idx >= 1 and idx <= sizetable[t] and ptrtable[t][idx - 1].nodeid or rawget(t, idx) end -- Metamethod: set the nodeid of an index to a value local function mm_set_nodeid(t, idx, value) if idx >= 1 and idx <= sizetable[t] then ptrtable[t][idx - 1].nodeid = value else rawset(t, idx, value) end end -- Metamethod: get the light of an index local function mm_get_light(t, idx) return idx >= 1 and idx <= sizetable[t] and ptrtable[t][idx - 1].light or rawget(t, idx) end -- Metamethod: set the light of an index to a value local function mm_set_light(t, idx, value) if idx >= 1 and idx <= sizetable[t] then ptrtable[t][idx - 1].light = value else rawset(t, idx, value) end end -- Metamethod: get the param2 of an index local function mm_get_param2(t, idx) return idx >= 1 and idx <= sizetable[t] and ptrtable[t][idx - 1].param2 or rawget(t, idx) end -- Metamethod: set the param2 of an index to a value local function mm_set_param2(t, idx, value) if idx >= 1 and idx <= sizetable[t] then ptrtable[t][idx - 1].param2 = value else rawset(t, idx, value) end end -- Metatables for VoxelManip nodeid, light and param2 local VoxelManip_nodeid_mt = { __index = mm_get_nodeid , __newindex = mm_set_nodeid } local VoxelManip_light_mt = { __index = mm_get_light , __newindex = mm_set_light } local VoxelManip_param2_mt = { __index = mm_get_param2 , __newindex = mm_set_param2 } -- Replacement VoxelManip.get_data and VoxelManip.set_data methods local function VoxelManip_get_data(self, buffer) -- Set up the metatable and pointer buffer = setmetatable(buffer or {}, VoxelManip_nodeid_mt) do local ptr = VoidPtrPtr() ffiC.VoxelManip_get_pointer(self, ptr) ptrtable[buffer] = MapNodePtr(ptr[0]) end sizetable[buffer] = ffiC.VoxelManip_get_volume(self) return buffer end local function VoxelManip_set_data(self, buffer) -- Call the original set_data method if the metatable is not -- the one we've set if getmetatable(buffer) ~= VoxelManip_nodeid_mt then mt_set_data(self, buffer) end end -- Replacement VoxelManip.get/set_light_data methods local function VoxelManip_get_light_data(self, buffer) -- Set up the metatable and pointer buffer = setmetatable(buffer or {}, VoxelManip_light_mt) do local ptr = VoidPtrPtr() ffiC.VoxelManip_get_pointer(self, ptr) ptrtable[buffer] = MapNodePtr(ptr[0]) end sizetable[buffer] = ffiC.VoxelManip_get_volume(self) return buffer end local function VoxelManip_set_light_data(self, buffer) -- Call the original set_light_data method if the metatable is not -- the one we've set if getmetatable(buffer) ~= VoxelManip_light_mt then mt_set_light_data(self, buffer) end end -- Replacement VoxelManip.get/set_param2_data methods local function VoxelManip_get_param2_data(self, buffer) -- Set up the metatable and pointer buffer = setmetatable(buffer or {}, VoxelManip_param2_mt) do local ptr = VoidPtrPtr() ffiC.VoxelManip_get_pointer(self, ptr) ptrtable[buffer] = MapNodePtr(ptr[0]) end sizetable[buffer] = ffiC.VoxelManip_get_volume(self) return buffer end local function VoxelManip_set_param2_data(self, buffer) -- Call the original set_param2_data method if the metatable is not -- the one we've set if getmetatable(buffer) ~= VoxelManip_param2_mt then mt_set_param2_data(self, buffer) end end -- Metatable for PerlinNoiseMap local PerlinNoiseMap_mt = { __index = mm_get } -- Replacement methods for PerlinNoiseMap.* local function PerlinNoiseMap_get_2d_map_flat(self, pos, buffer) -- Calculate the noise self:calc_2d_map(pos) -- Prepare the metatable for direct access to the data buffer = setmetatable(buffer or {}, PerlinNoiseMap_mt) do local ptr = VoidPtrPtr() ffiC.PerlinNoiseMap_get_pointer(self, ptr) ptrtable[buffer] = MapNodePtr(ptr[0]) end sizetable[buffer] = ffiC.PerlinNoiseMap_get_area(self) return buffer end local function PerlinNoiseMap_get_3d_map_flat(self, pos, buffer) -- Calculate the noise self:calc_3d_map(pos) -- Prepare the metatable for direct access to the data buffer = setmetatable(buffer or {}, PerlinNoiseMap_mt) do local ptr = VoidPtrPtr() ffiC.PerlinNoiseMap_get_pointer(self, ptr) ptrtable[buffer] = MapNodePtr(ptr[0]) end sizetable[buffer] = ffiC.PerlinNoiseMap_get_volume(self) return buffer end --[[ local function PerlinNoiseMap_get_map_slice(slice_offset, slice_size, buffer) -- TODO end --]] -- Monkey-patch VoxelManip and PerlinNoiseMap minetest.after (0, function() -- VoxelManip buffer-intensive methods local mt = getmetatable(minetest.get_voxel_manip()) mt_set_data = mt.set_data mt_set_light_data = mt.set_light_data mt_set_param2_data = mt.set_param2_data mt.get_data = VoxelManip_get_data mt.set_data = VoxelManip_set_data mt.get_light_data = VoxelManip_get_light_data mt.set_light_data = VoxelManip_set_light_data mt.get_param2_data = VoxelManip_get_param2_data mt.set_param2_data = VoxelManip_set_param2_data -- PerlinNoiseMap buffer-intensive methods mt = getmetatable(minetest.get_perlin_map({spread = {x=100, y=100, z=100}}, {x=1, y=1, z=1})) mt.get_2d_map_flat = PerlinNoiseMap_get_2d_map_flat mt.get_3d_map_flat = PerlinNoiseMap_get_3d_map_flat -- mt.get_map_slice = PerlinNoiseMap_get_map_slice -- Aliases mt.get2DMap_flat = mt.get_2d_map_flat mt.get3DMap_flat = mt.get_3d_map_flat -- mt.getMapSlice = mt.get_map_slice end) minetest.log ("action", "FFI activated")