Name: default Source: Fork of upstream mod - Do not replace License: See this file and "LICENSE" in the source tree ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Overview. This is a Bucket Game "default" mod based on multiple upstream "de- fault" mods and original patches. This mod should not be upgraded to, or replaced with, any mod but a Bucket Game "default" mod. This mod includes a large number of bug fixes and improvements. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Partial (very partial) list of changes: 2.1. This mod supports 64x64 skins. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2. "New" chests (from the 0.4.17 era) are gone because they're bug- gy and frustrating to deal with. They're mapped to "classic" chests. The file "ocutil.lua" includes some utility functions written and/or added by OldCoder. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3. Bucket API: The "bucket" mod in Bucket Game includes major exten- sions by OldCoder. The "default" mod defines one routine that is part of that API: default.register_node_bucketable ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4. Water API: Major new API by Poikilos, Slopsbucket, and OldCoder. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5. Trees: Lots of new trees. Some from More Trees, one from Cool Trees, some original. Some of the trees have been edited to make improvements or largely re- done. Partial list: From "moretrees" mod: Beech, Birch, Cedar, Date Palm, Fir, Oak, Palm, Poplar, Rubber, Sequo- ia, Spruce, Willow * From "irokotree" mod: Iroko Tree Might be from "moretrees" or from other mods: Jungle, Rubber Others, to be documented: Acacia, Aspen, Axinite, Big Apple, Cherry, Christmas Tree, Lemon, Maple ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.6. Misc. changes: * default:ice -- Adjust groups * nodes.lua -- Add Cave Ice * mapgen.lua -- Add "icesheet" biome * default_grass_side.png -- Less-Dirt version * default_dry_grass_side.png -- Less-Dirt version * default_snow_side.png -- Adjusted by OldCoder * Support for a Winter Wonderland mode. * Jungle wood and trunk textures are redone by OldCoder and Poikilos 2021-11-02. - default_jungle_trunk.png (and default_jungletree.png for use by older mods) - default_jungle_wood.png (and default_junglewood.png for use by older mods) - default_jungle_top.png (and default_jungletree_top.png) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7. player_falling_damage: redone based on default_break_glass .1 and .2. Changes by Poikilos: change timing to blend both sounds, overall tonal range, temporal tonal range. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. New textures identified by md5sum numbers: md5sum: f9ba02526b68cd7be42d0129cfe9418d License: CC BY-SA 3.0: Poikilos Name: default_mese_block.png Source:\ default_mese_block-8D.png md5sum: db5e9366cb3d90d4a5538aef92882150 License: CC BY-SA 3.0: Paramat and Dr. Frankenstone Name: default_grass_side.png source: Less-Dirt mod md5sum: 9bd1a007236b3cbb8933253dd6f37fc8 License: CC BY-SA 3.0: Paramat and Dr. Frankenstone Name: default_dry_grass_side.png Source: Less-Dirt mod md5sum: 1bda98db7d77d1d438bc95ede5026501 License: CC BY-SA 3.0: Gambit and OldCoder Name: default_snow_side.png Source: OldCoder Filenames may vary and links may no longer go to the same versions of the files. (end of document)