Name: coderskins Source: Largely original mod License: See notes in "oldcoder.txt" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Overview. "CoderSkins" is a Minetest "skins" mod that is designed to work with the Bucket World "_game" or derived "_games". It won't work in other contexts. The mod is largely original, but includes Unified Inventory support code from other mods. The Unified Inventory support code is based on GPL3 code that is (c) 2012 CoRNeRNoTe and Dean Montgomery. As this module incorporates GPL3 code, the code as a whole is GPL3. However, the rest of the code is (c) 2017-2020 OldCoder (Robert Kira- ly). If individual media files, i.e., skin textures, included with the mod are discovered to be incompatible with GPL3, the files in question should be removed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. CoderSkins features. 2.1. CoderSkins supports both 64x64 Minecraft (tm) skins and 64x32 Minetest skins. It's compatible, despite the use of 64x64, with the Bucket Game ver- sion of 3D Armor. As of 2020, old MT skin systems only support 64x32. CoderSkins is be- lieved to be the only one that supports 64x64 (and that works with a patched 3D Armor as well). 2.2. The world owner can install skins for individual players manual- ly. Or builders can choose their own skins using U.I. GUI screens. Or both. 2.3. The world owner can set the order of skins displayed in the GUI. 2.4. By default, the main CoderSkins U.I. page displays a short 1-line description of the player's current skin based on the associated PNG- file name. The world owner can specify a 2nd line. Additionally, he/she can over- ride the default for the 1st line. 2.5. New players get random gender-neutral skins by default. 2.6. CoderSkins adds extra navigation buttons to the GUI. The extra buttons include first page, last page, and -- if there are 6 or more pages -- 2 more buttons that jump to 1/3 and 2/3 of the way through the page list. 2.7. CoderSkins fixes a bug in the old U.I. code related to the "Change" button. Specifically, the "Change" button now takes you to the last "skins" screen that you visited in the current session. The old version al- ways took you to the first page. 2.8. Minor feature: The U.I. GUI includes a tooltip. "u_skins" and/or other old skin mods seem to be missing this feature. 2.9. CoderSkins supports its own spacesuits, NC virus masks, and 3D armor. The spacesuits and NC virus masks are functional. 3D armor is still under development. Documentation for these features will be added here. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. CoderSkins limitations. 3.1. CoderSkins requires Bucket Game. 3.2. While 3D Armor, the old mod as opposed to the new CoderSkins fea- ture, is being worn, 64x64 skins will drop the level of detail dis- played down to the 64x32 level. 3.3. 2D sprite skins aren't supported. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Adding new skins. Players will usually select their skins from the set that comes with the mod. To do this, they'll use Unified Inventory. There's a button for the purpose in the U.I. "buttons" row. The in-game command "/skin" can also be used to change skins. If you're a world host, the mod allows you to add skins and/or change them for players in multiple ways: 4.1. You can add a new PNG file just for one player. This procedure, 4.1, is discussed in Appendix A. Most experienced world hosts should be able to do it. 4.2. You can use the in-game command "/pskin" to set the skin for a player who is too inexperienced to set his or her own skin. 4.3. You can add new skins to the CoderSkins GUI. This procedure, 4.3, is discussed in Appendix B. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Changing skin display order. CoderSkins includes a Lua file named "skinlist.lua". The file defines a table named "coderskins.list". The CoderSkins GUI displays predefined skins in the order that the ta- ble lists them. To change the order in which the GUI displays skins, edit "skinlist. lua" and change the order of the entries in the table. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix A. Adding a PNG file just for one player. The world owner can add a specific skin just for a specific player. If this is done, the new skin won't appear in the list of skin options for other players. This procedure bypasses the "skins" GUI in Unified Inventory. To do this, proceed as follows: A.1. Start with a PNG file that contains a valid MC or MT skin. It can be either 64x64 or 64x32. A.2. Rename the PNG file to a filename of the following form: player_NAME.png NAME should be the player's in-game nickname. For example, if the player uses the nickname "Salad", the name of the PNG file should be: player_Salad.png Limitation: If the player's nickname contains unusual characters, you may not be able to do this. A.3. Copy the renamed PNG file into the mod's "textures" directory. A.4. Restart the world. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix B. Adding new public skins. A world host can add local skins. B.1. A local skin is a PNG file with a name of the form "skin_MeowCat. png" or "skin_PizzaWolf.png". CoderSkins supports both standard 64x64 and 64x32 Minecraft (tm) skin formats. B.2. To add a local skin, drop appropriate PNG files, with names of the form "skin_*.png", into the "textures" directory. If this is done, the GUI will display local skins first. The local skins will be displayed in alpha betical order based on filename. B.3. To disable support for local skins, add the following setting to "world.conf": local_skins = false B.4. The CoderSkins GUI displays a front and back preview image for each skin. For this to work, two additional PNG files must be present in addition to a given skin PNG file. The two preview PNG files should have filenames of the form: skin_PizzaWolf_preview.png skin_PizzaWolf_preview_back.png In other words, for the front preview, take the original skin-file name and insert "_preview" right before ".png". For the back preview, insert "_preview_back" instead. The preview image files should be 16x32 images that display the assoc- iated skin as it looks from the front and the back, respectively. CoderSkins doesn't presently provide a tool to generate previews. A tool of this type may be added in the future. If skin preview files are omitted, "not available" images will be dis- played instead. (end of document)