Name: xdecor Source: Fork of upstream mod - Do not replace License: See "LICENSE" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This is a modified version of an upstream mod. The starting point was obtained initially as follows: rm -fr xdecor git clone cd xdecor git reset --hard cfca4ccdf31bb3e71db9d5ec2e255d724e66ae8e Forked after: commit indicated above ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Partial list of changes: 2a. Replaced the contents of "depends.txt" with: bucket default doors stairs xpanes bakedclay? fire? mesecons_doors? moreblocks? moreores? oresplus? Important note: "xdecor" needs to depend on modules for which "xdecor" "workbench" nodes are to be created. At the same time, care needs to be taken to avoid creating circular dependencies by changes related to this requirement. Additionally, nodes of this type need to use "tiles" to set tile im- ages as opposed to the older setting name "tile_images". 2b. Detabbed ".lua" and ".txt" files and set the newline format for the same files to UNIX. 2c. Deleted "mod.conf". Note: The dependency lists in the file were incorrect. It was simplest to delete the file and just use "depends. txt". 2d. Renamed "src" directory, and references to it, to "more". 2e. Added support for the following conf-file option settings (to be documented): edgylos = true morebench = true 2f. Modified "more/nodes.lua" to ensure that a few types of stairs were defined. 2g. Modified "stairs_valid_def" to make it accept "default:goldblock" whether or not the latter node was a light source. 2h. Removed screenshot file(s). 2i. Ropes are now placed in the "coderropes" group. 2j. Added the files "00README" and "oldcoder.txt" (this file).