____ _ ____ _ / ___| __ _ _ __ __| | | _ \| |_ _ ___ \___ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | | |_) | | | | / __| ___) | (_| | | | | (_| | | __/| | |_| \__ \ |____/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_| |_|\__,_|___/ ~By GreenDimond This mod does NOT add more sand. This mod does however add more sandstone. Currently, only normal sand (aka "beach sand") has sandstone and its counterparts. Desert sand and the newly added Silver sand, do not have sandstone or its counterparts. This mod contains the following: * **Desert** * Desert Sandstone * Desert Sandstone Block * Desert Sandstone Brick * Desert Sandstone Stair * Desert Sandstone Block Stair * Desert Sandstone Brick Stair * Desert Sandstone Slab * Desert Sandstone Block Slab * Desert Sandstone Brick Slab * **Cold Desert** * Silver Sandstone * Silver Sandstone Block * Silver Sandstone Brick * Silver Sandstone Stair * Silver Sandstone Block Stair * Silver Sandstone Brick Stair * Silver Sandstone Slab * Silver Sandstone Block Slab * Silver Sandstone Brick Slab All of the blocks are obtainable without a creative inventory. All recipes are the same as the beach sand recipes, but with the other sands/sandstones instead (I may or may not have been too lazy to write out all the recipes when I could just explain using the ones that are already there). If Technic is enabled, crafting recipes for all sandstone will be replaced with grinder and compressor recipes.