mapop = {} -- =================================================================== local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local modpath = minetest.get_modpath (modname) --GreenDimond's code from waffle mod local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) local S, NS = dofile (modpath.."/intllib.lua") mapop.intllib = S dofile (minetest.get_modpath('mapop')..'/intllib.lua') moditems = {} -- switcher if core.get_modpath("mcl_core") and mcl_core then -- means MineClone 2 is loaded, this is its core mod moditems.IRON_ITEM = "mcl_core:iron_ingot" -- MCL version of iron ingot moditems.COAL_ITEM = "mcl_core:coalblock" -- MCL version of coal block moditems.CORAL_SKELETON = "mcl_nether:quartz_block" -- MCL version of green dye moditems.SILVER_SANDSTONE = "mcl_nether:quartz_block" -- MCL version of green dye moditems.INVENTORY = "mcl_inventory:crafting_formspec_bg2" -- MCL version of green dye moditems.INFOBOX_CAN = {} moditems.INFOBOX_DUMP = {} moditems.BOXART = "bgcolor[#d0d0d0;false]listcolors[#9d9d9d;#9d9d9d;#5c5c5c;#000000;#ffffff]" -- trying to imitate MCL boxart else -- fallback, assume default (MineTest Game) is loaded, otherwise it will error anyway here. moditems.IRON_ITEM = "default:steel_ingot" -- MTG iron ingot moditems.COAL_ITEM = "default:coalblock" -- MTG coal block moditems.CORAL_SKELETON = "default:coral_skeleton" -- MCL version of green dye moditems.SILVER_SANDSTONE = "default:silver_sandstone" -- MCL version of green dye moditems.INVENTORY = "default:silver_sandstone" -- MCL version of green dye moditems.INFOBOX_CAN = "Trash Can" moditems.INFOBOX_DUMP = "Dumpster" moditems.BOXART = "" end material = moditems.IRON_ITEM _doc_items_longdesc = moditems.STRING_ITEM local sounds if default.node_sound_metal_defaults then sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults() else sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults() end dofile (modpath .. '/abm.lua') dofile (modpath .. '/bathroom.lua') dofile (modpath .. '/bedroom.lua') dofile (modpath .. '/kitchen.lua') dofile (modpath .. '/living_room.lua') dofile (modpath .. '/microwave.lua') dofile (modpath .. '/dining_room.lua') dofile (modpath .. '/misc.lua') dofile (modpath .. '/morelamps.lua') dofile (modpath .. '/oven.lua') dofile (modpath .. '/toys.lua') dofile (modpath .. '/functions.lua') dofile (modpath .. '/formspecs.lua') dofile (modpath .. '/fridge.lua') dofile (modpath .. '/crafts.lua')