Name: ehlphabet Source: Fork of upstream mod - Do not replace License: See "LICENSE" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This is a fork of an upstream mod named "ehlphabet". It replaces both that mod and for a different mod named "abjphabet". The starting point was obtained originally as follows: rm -fr ehlphabet git clone ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Changes include: 2a. Converted text files to UNIX format. 2b. Replaced some textures with higher-resolution versions obtained from the "abjphabet" mod. 2c. Added "abjphabet?" to "depends.txt". 2d. Modified code so that, if "abjphabet" isn't installed, "ehlphabet" replaces its nodes with "ehlphabet" equivalents. Note: The old version of "ehlphabet" also replaced "abjphabet" nodes, but it didn't check first to see if "abjphabet" was or wasn't install- ed. 2e. Removed a screenshot. 2f. Added the files "00README" and "oldcoder.txt" (this file).