# ehlphabet Fork of the original [abjphabet mod](https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11744) by ABJ ![screenshot](screenshot.png) **Letter Machine Reciepe**|**Letter Machine UI** ----|---- ![Letter Machine Reciepe](recipe.png)|![Letter Machine UI](lmui.png) Letter blocks can be created with the Letter Machine or given with /giveme ehlphabet:(ascii decimal) Example: `/giveme ehlphabet:65` will give you a block with the letter [**A**] on it. https://www.asciitable.com/ For UTF-8 characters add one more identifier /giveme ehlphabet:(first byte decimal)_(second byle decimal) Example: `/giveme ehlphabet:195_132` will give you a block with the letter [**Ä**] on it. http://www.utf8-chartable.de/ ## Textures Textures were generated using [**phantomjs**](http://phantomjs.org/download.html) script "gen.js" included in this repository. To (re)generate textures run: $ phantomjs gen.js To customize the look and size of letters, you need to know basic HTML and CSS and change it inside "gen.js". ## License Textures are licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 See LICENSE file ## Changelist 2018-01-24 patched by Och_Noe to use it as replacement for abjphabet (create aliases) 2018-03-29 support for UTF-8 and cyrillic letters added 2018-03-31 german letters added 2018-04-01 intllib support added with russian and german languages