-- Colored Wood mod by Vanessa Ezekowitz -- based on my unifieddyes template. -- -- License: WTFPL -- -- This mod provides 89 colors of wood, fences, and sticks, and enough -- cross-compatible recipes to make everything fit together naturally. -- -- Colored wood is crafted by putting two regular wood blocks into the -- grid along with one dye color, in any order and position. The result -- is two colored wood blocks. -- -- Colored sticks are crafted from colored wood blocks only - one colored -- wood block in any position yields 4 colored sticks as usual. -- -- Uncolored sticks cannot be dyed separately, but they can still be used -- to build colored wooden fences. These are crafted either by placing six -- plain, uncolored sticks into the crafting grid in the usual manner, plus -- one portion of dye in the upper-left corner of the grid -- (D = dye, S = uncolored stick): -- -- D - - -- S S S -- S S S -- -- You can also craft a colored fence by using colored sticks derived from -- colored wood. Just place six of them in the same manner as with plain -- fences (CS = colored stick): -- -- -- -- -- -- CS CS CS -- CS CS CS -- -- If you find yourself with too many colors of sticks and not enough, -- ladders, you can use any color (as long as they"re all the same) to -- create a ladder, but it"ll always result in a plain, uncolored ladder. -- This practice isn"t recommended of course, since it wastes dye. -- -- All materials are flammable and can be used as fuel. -- Hues are on a 30 degree spacing starting at red = 0 degrees. -- "s50" in a file/item name means "saturation: 50%". -- Texture brightness levels for the colors are 100%, 66% ("medium"), -- and 33% ("dark"). coloredwood = {} coloredwood.enable_stairsplus = false if minetest.setting_getbool("coloredwood_enable_stairsplus") == false or not minetest.get_modpath("moreblocks") then coloredwood.enable_stairsplus = false end coloredwood.shades = { "dark_", "medium_", "" -- represents "no special shade name", e.g. full. } coloredwood.shades2 = { "Dark ", "Medium ", "" -- represents "no special shade name", e.g. full. } coloredwood.hues = { "red", "orange", "yellow", "lime", "green", "aqua", "cyan", "skyblue", "blue", "violet", "magenta", "redviolet" } coloredwood.hues2 = { "Red ", "Orange ", "Yellow ", "Lime ", "Green ", "Aqua ", "Cyan ", "Sky Blue ", "Blue ", "Violet ", "Magenta ", "Red-violet " } coloredwood.greys = { "black", "darkgrey", "grey", "lightgrey", "white" } coloredwood.greys2 = { "Black ", "Dark Grey ", "Medium Grey ", "Light Grey ", "White " } coloredwood.greys3 = { "dye:black", "dye:dark_grey", "dye:grey", "dye:light_grey", "dye:white" } dofile(minetest.get_modpath("coloredwood").."/wood.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("coloredwood").."/fence.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("coloredwood").."/stick.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("coloredwood").."/nextgen.lua") print("[Colored Wood] Loaded!")