Name: coderxmas Source: Merge/Fork of multiple mods - Do not replace License: See "oldcoder.txt" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "coderxmas" is a merge, and fork, of three mods: * Green Dimond version of "christmas_decor" * Jordan "Jordach" Snelling version of "xmas" (aka "jsxmas") * KasBrick version of "xmas" One image from a 4th mod, "christmas_craft", is included and used. The Green Dimond code in "dimond.lua", together with the media refer- erenced in that file, is/are licensed as explained in "dimond-license. txt". The Jordach code in "jsxmas", together with the media referenced in that file, is/are licensed as CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0. The KasBrick code in "kasbrick.lua", together with the media refer- enced in that file, is/are licensed as WTFPL. "ccsnowman.png" is a copy of "Snowman_F.png" from "christmas_craft". The license for that file is CC BY-SA 4.0 International. Attribution per the terms of the license is to King Arthur's Team. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The KasBrick part was obtained originally as follows: rm -fr xmas git ---------------------------------------------------------------------- End of file.