-- =================================================================== local reg_alias = ocutil.safe_register_alias local reg_item = ocutil.safe_register_item local reg_node = ocutil.safe_register_node local needitem local neednode -- =================================================================== neednode = "skylands:heaven_grass" -- if ocutil.thing_missing (neednode) then reg_node (neednode, { description = "Dirt with Heaven Grass" , tiles = { "skylands_heavengrass2.png" , "skylands_rich_dirt.png" , "skylands_rich_dirt.png^skylands_heavengrass_side2.png" } , is_ground_content = true , groups = { crumbly=3, soil=1 } , drop = 'skylands:rich_dirt' , sounds = default.sound_dirt ({ footstep = { name="default_grass_footstep", gain=0.25 } , }) , }) end -- =================================================================== neednode = "skylands:rich_dirt" -- if ocutil.thing_missing (neednode) then reg_node (neednode, { description = "Rich Dirt" , tiles = { "skylands_rich_dirt.png" } , is_ground_content = true, groups = { crumbly=3, soil=1 } , sounds = default.sound_dirt() , }) end -- =================================================================== -- -- HERE IT IS -- THE HOLY AIR SWORD!!!! -- ocutil.safe_register_tool ("skylands:air_sword", { description = "Air Sword", inventory_image = "skylands_tool_airsword.png", tool_capabilities = { full_punch_interval = 0.1, max_drop_level=1, groupcaps={ snappy={times={[1]=0.2, [2]=0.1, [3]=0.05}, uses=999, maxlevel=3}, }, damage_groups = {fleshy=999}, } }) -- =================================================================== -- End of file.