-- =================================================================== local missing local willbe local needmod local needbase local neednode local neednode_1 local cvt = default.convert_node local reg_alias = ocutil.safe_register_alias -- =================================================================== if ocutil.mod_exists ("darkage" ) then stairsplus:register_all ("moreblocks", "ors_brick", "darkage:ors_brick", { description = "ors_brick", tiles = {"darkage_ors_brick.png" } , groups = { cracky=3, stone=2 } , sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults() , }) stairsplus:register_all ("moreblocks", "darkage_glass", "darkage:glass", { description = "darkage_glass", tiles = {"darkage_glass.png" } , groups = { cracky=3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3, not_cuttable=1 } , sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults() , }) cvt ( "darkage:slab_glass_1" , "moreblocks:slab_darkage_glass" ) cvt ( "darkage:slab_glass_2" , "moreblocks:slab_darkage_glass" ) cvt ( "darkage:slope_glass_half" , "moreblocks:slope_darkage_glass_half" ) cvt ( "darkage:slope_glass_half_raised" , "moreblocks:slope_darkage_glass_half_raised" ) end -- =================================================================== -- Needed for plane in flight near 3035, 42, -24 -- Future: Check appearance of back of engine there missing = "moreblocks:stair_metal_outer" needmod = "default" needbase = "steelblock" neednode = needmod .. ":" .. needbase if ocutil.mod_exists (needmod) and ocutil.node_missing (missing) then stairsplus:register_all ("moreblocks", "metal", neednode, { description = "Steel Block" , tiles = { "default_steelblock.png" } , groups = { cracky=3 } , sounds = default.sound_metal() , }) end -- =================================================================== if false then -- Future missing = "moreblocks:slab_lapis_block_1" needmod = "lapis" needbase = "lapis_block" neednode = needmod .. ":" .. needbase neednode_1 = neednode .. "_1" if ocutil.mod_exists (needmod) and ocutil.node_missing (missing) then reg_alias (neednode, neednode) stairsplus:register_all ("moreblocks", needbase, neednode, { description = "Lapis with Calcite" , tiles = { "lapis_block.png" } , groups = { cracky=3, stone=1 } , sounds = default.sound_stone() , }) end end -- =================================================================== if false then -- Future missing = "moreblocks:panel_rt8_1" needmod = "riventest" needbase = "rt8" neednode = needmod .. ":" .. needbase neednode_1 = neednode .. "_1" if ocutil.node_missing (missing ) and ocutil.node_exists (neednode) then reg_alias (neednode, neednode) stairsplus:register_all ("moreblocks", needbase, neednode, { description = "RT8" , tiles = { "riventest_rt8.png" } , groups = { cracky=3, stone=1 } , sounds = default.sound_stone() , }) end end -- =================================================================== missing = "moreblocks:slope_rt10_half" needmod = "riventest" needbase = "rt10" neednode = needmod .. ":" .. needbase if ocutil.node_missing (missing ) and ocutil.node_exists (neednode) then stairsplus:register_all ("moreblocks", needbase, neednode, { description = "RT10" , tiles = { "riventest_rt10.png" } , groups = { cracky=3, stone=1 } , sounds = default.sound_stone() , }) end -- =================================================================== missing = "moreblocks:slope_rt11_half" needmod = "riventest" needbase = "rt11" neednode = needmod .. ":" .. needbase if ocutil.node_missing (missing ) and ocutil.node_exists (neednode) then stairsplus:register_all ("moreblocks", needbase, neednode, { description = "RT11" , tiles = { "riventest_rt11.png" } , groups = { cracky=3, stone=1 } , sounds = default.sound_stone() , }) end -- =================================================================== missing = "moreblocks:stair_goldstone1" needmod = "riventest" needbase = "goldstone1" neednode = needmod .. ":" .. needbase if ocutil.node_missing (missing ) and ocutil.node_exists (neednode) then stairsplus:register_all ("moreblocks", needbase, neednode, { description = "RT11" , tiles = { "riventest_goldstone1.png" } , groups = { cracky=3, stone=1 } , sounds = default.sound_stone() , }) end -- =================================================================== missing = "moreblocks:slope_stoneblue" needmod = "riventest" needbase = "stoneblue" neednode = needmod .. ":" .. needbase if ocutil.node_missing (missing ) and ocutil.node_exists (neednode) then stairsplus:register_all ("moreblocks", needbase, neednode, { description = "Blue Stone" , tiles = { "riventest_stoneblue.png" } , groups = { cracky=3, stone=1 } , sounds = default.sound_stone() , }) end -- =================================================================== missing = "moreblocks:slope_goldstone2_outer" needmod = "riventest" needbase = "goldstone2" neednode = needmod .. ":" .. needbase if ocutil.node_missing (missing ) and ocutil.node_exists (neednode) then stairsplus:register_all ("moreblocks", needbase, neednode, { description = "Blue Stone" , tiles = { "riventest_goldstone2.png" } , groups = { cracky=3, stone=1 } , sounds = default.sound_stone() , }) end -- =================================================================== missing = "moreblocks:slab_rt8" needmod = "riventest" needbase = "rt8" neednode = needmod .. ":" .. needbase if ocutil.node_missing (missing ) and ocutil.node_exists (neednode) then stairsplus:register_all ("moreblocks", needbase, neednode, { description = "rt8" , tiles = { "riventest_rt8.png" } , groups = { cracky=3, stone=1 } , sounds = default.sound_stone() , }) end -- =================================================================== missing = "moreblocks:slope_bulkhead" needmod = "riventest" needbase = "bulkhead" neednode = needmod .. ":" .. needbase if ocutil.node_missing (missing ) and ocutil.node_exists (neednode) then stairsplus:register_all ("moreblocks", needbase, neednode, { description = "bulkhead" , tiles = { "riventest_bulkhead.png" } , groups = { cracky=3, stone=1 } , sounds = default.sound_stone() , }) end -- =================================================================== missing = "moreblocks:panel_white_stone_4" needmod = "skylands" needbase = "white_stone" neednode = needmod .. ":" .. needbase if ocutil.thing_missing (missing ) and ocutil.node_exists (neednode ) then stairsplus:register_all ("moreblocks", needbase, neednode, { description = "White Stone" , tiles = { "skylands_white_stone.png" } , groups = { cracky=3, stone=1 } , sounds = default.sound_stone() , }) end -- =================================================================== missing = "moreblocks:panel_white_stone_brick" needmod = "skylands" needbase = "white_stone_brick" neednode = needmod .. ":" .. needbase if ocutil.thing_missing (missing ) and ocutil.node_exists (neednode ) then stairsplus:register_all ("moreblocks", needbase, neednode, { description = "White Stone" , tiles = { "skylands_white_stone_brick.png" } , groups = { cracky=3, stone=1 } , sounds = default.sound_stone() , }) end -- =================================================================== missing = "darkage:slab_glow_glass_2" willbe = "moreblocks:slab_glow_glass" needmod = "darkage" needbase = "glow_glass" neednode = needmod .. ":" .. needbase if ocutil.thing_missing (missing ) and ocutil.node_exists (neednode ) then stairsplus:register_all ("moreblocks", needbase, neednode, { description = "Glow Glass" , tiles = { "darkage_glass.png" } , groups = { cracky=3, stone=1 } , sounds = default.sound_stone() , use_texture_alpha = true , paramtype = "light" , sunlight_propagates = true , light_source = default.LIGHT_MAX-1 , }) reg_alias (missing, willbe) end -- =================================================================== -- End of file.