-- Thanks for all the things in this file and the related textures -- goes to catninja! -- =================================================================== local reg_alias = ocutil.safe_register_alias local reg_node = ocutil.safe_register_node local neednode local nodepng local morepng -- =================================================================== -- Snowy Cobblestone. neednode = "lottblocks:snowycobble" if ocutil.thing_missing (neednode) then nodepng = "lottblocks_snowycobble.png" reg_node (neednode, { description = "Snowy Cobblestone" , groups = { cracky=3 } , is_ground_content = false , tiles = { nodepng } , }) end -- =================================================================== -- Orc Brick. neednode = "lottblocks:orc_brick" if ocutil.thing_missing (neednode) then nodepng = "lottblocks_orc_brick.png" reg_node (neednode, { description = "Orc Brick" , groups = { cracky=2 } , is_ground_content = false , tiles = { nodepng } , }) stairs.register_stair_and_slab ("orc_brick", neednode, { cracky=2 } , { nodepng } , "Orc Brick" , "Orc Brick") end -- =================================================================== -- Marble Brick. neednode = "lottblocks:marble_brick" if ocutil.thing_missing (neednode) then nodepng = "lottblocks_marble_brick.png" reg_node (neednode, { description = "Marble Brick" , groups = { cracky=2 } , is_ground_content = false , tiles = { nodepng } , }) stairs.register_stair_and_slab ("marble_brick", neednode, { cracky=2 } , { nodepng } , "Marble Brick" , "Marble Brick") end -- =================================================================== -- Dark Leafroof. neednode = "lottblocks:leafroof_dark" if ocutil.thing_missing (neednode) then nodepng = "lottblocks_leafroof.png" reg_node (neednode, { description = "Dark Leaf Roof" , drawtype = "allfaces_optional" , is_ground_content = false , paramtype = "light" , tiles = { nodepng } , sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults() , groups = { snappy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, leaves=1 } , }) stairs.register_stair_and_slab ("leafroof_dark", neednode, { oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, leaves=1 } , { nodepng } , "Dark Leafroof" , "Dark Leafroof") end -- =================================================================== -- Mallorn Leafroof. neednode = "lottblocks:leafroof_mallorn" if ocutil.thing_missing (neednode) then nodepng = "lottblocks_mallornroof.png" reg_node (neednode, { description = "Mallorn Leaf Roof" , drawtype = "allfaces_optional" , is_ground_content = false , paramtype = "light" , tiles = { nodepng } , sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults() , groups = { oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, leaves=1 } , }) stairs.register_stair_and_slab ("leafroof_mallorn", neednode, { oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, leaves=1 } , { nodepng } , "Mallorn Leafroof" , "Mallorn Leafroof") end -- =================================================================== -- Mallorn Pillar. neednode = "lottblocks:mallorn_pillar" if ocutil.thing_missing (neednode) then ndoepng = "lottblocks_mallorn_pillar.png" reg_node (neednode, { description = "Mallorn Pillar" , groups = { snappy=2,choppy=2 } , is_ground_content = false , paramtype = "light" , paramtype2 = "facedir" , tiles = { nodepng } , }) stairs.register_stair_and_slab ("mallorn_pillar", neednode, { snappy=2, choppy=2 } , { nodepng } , "Mallorn Pillar" , "Mallorn Pillar") end -- =================================================================== -- White Mallorn. neednode = "lottblocks:mallorn_white" if ocutil.thing_missing (neednode) then nodepng = "lottblocks_mallorn_white.png" reg_node (neednode, { description = "White Mallorn" , groups = { snappy=2, choppy=2 } , is_ground_content = false , paramtype = "light" , paramtype2 = "facedir" , tiles = { nodepng } , }) stairs.register_stair_and_slab ("mallorn_white", neednode, { snappy=2, choppy=2 } , { nodepng } , "White Mallorn" , "White Mallorn") end -- =================================================================== -- White Dwarfstone. neednode = "lottblocks:dwarfstone_white" if ocutil.thing_missing (neednode) then nodepng = "lottblocks_dwarfstone_white_top.png" morepng = "lottblocks_dwarfstone_white_side.png" reg_node (neednode, { description = "White Dwarf Stone" , groups = { cracky=3 } , is_ground_content = false , paramtype2 = "facedir" , tiles = { nodepng , nodepng , morepng , morepng , morepng , morepng , } , }) stairs.register_stair_and_slab ("dwarfstone_white", neednode, { cracky=2 } , { nodepng } , "White Dwarfstone" , "White Dwarfstone") end -- =================================================================== -- Black Dwarfstone. neednode = "lottblocks:dwarfstone_black" if ocutil.thing_missing (neednode) then nodepng = "lottblocks_dwarfstone_black_top.png" morepng = "lottblocks_dwarfstone_black_side.png" reg_node (neednode, { description = "Black Dwarfstone" , groups = { cracky=3 } , is_ground_content = false , paramtype2 = "facedir" , tiles = { nodepng , nodepng , morepng , morepng , morepng , morepng , } , }) stairs.register_stair_and_slab ("dwarfstone_black", neednode, { cracky=2 } , { nodepng } , "Black Dwarfstone" , "Black Dwarfstone") end -- =================================================================== -- End of file.