Two quickstart procedures Revision: 230813 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction. This document summarizes two Final Minetest quickstart procedures, one for superusers and one for regular users. The quickstart procedures build a Final Minetest server, MT 4/5-com- patible, and install some sample worlds. For other modes, see the fol- lowing file: linux-minetest-kit.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Quickstart for superusers. If you're able to log-in as "root" or can do "sudo bash", try the fol- lowing procedure. 2.1. Start with Linux. Log-in as "root" or log-in as another user and execute "sudo bash". 2.2. Create a user and group both named "minebest". In some Linux distros, the following command might work for this: sudo adduser minebest 2.3. Execute: sudo mkdir -p /opt/minebest/ 2.4. Delete or rename any existing copy of: /opt/minebest/mtkit/ 2.5. Unpack the Linux Minetest Kit and move it to: /opt/minebest/mtkit/ 2.6. Execute: cd /opt/minebest/ rm -fr mtbin cp -a /opt/minebest/mtkit/mtsrc/mtbin/ . mkdir -p log mtworlds tmp 2.7. Install dependencies as discussed in "linux-minetest-kit.txt". If you're using one of the major Linux distros, try executing: bash -e /opt/minebest/mtkit/ Note: The script may prompt for timezone information, so it should be run interactively. 2.8. Edit the file "/root/.bashrc" and append the following line: PATH=/opt/minebest/mtbin:$PATH Save and exit. 2.9. Log-out. Log-in again as "root" or log-in as another user and execute "sudo bash". 2.10. Does the following "ls" command produce an error message? ls /usr/include/sys/sysctl.h If so, execute the following "touch" command: sudo touch /usr/include/sys/sysctl.h 2.11. Execute: cd /opt/minebest/mtkit/ rm -fr toolstree bash -e build A new copy of the following directory should now exist: /opt/minebest/mtkit/toolstree/ 2.12. Execute: perl --build --server --finetest If you'd like to build both a server and a client, do this instead: perl --build --server --client --finetest A new copy of the following directory should now exist: /opt/minebest/mtkit/minetest/bin/ 2.13. Execute: cd /opt/minebest/mtworlds/ rm -fr bucketcity bytesize meselite unzip -q /opt/minebest/mtkit/mtsrc/worlds/ unzip -q /opt/minebest/mtkit/mtsrc/worlds/ unzip -q /opt/minebest/mtkit/mtsrc/worlds/ cd /opt/minebest/ chown -R minebest.minebest . 2.14. Edit the following world configuration files: /opt/minebest/mtworlds/bucketcity/world.conf /opt/minebest/mtworlds/bytesize/world.conf /opt/minebest/mtworlds/meselite/world.conf # Set the parameters appropriately, especially the following: # motd, name, port, server_address, server_name # If you execute the following commands now as the "minebest" user or # as "root", it should start or restart the associated worlds on the # ports that you specified in the "world.conf" files: # # minetest-restart bucketcity # minetest-restart bytesize # minetest-restart meselite # Other useful commands: # # minetest-allstart # Start all worlds where not started # minetest-allstop # Stop all worlds where not stopped # minetest-list # List installed worlds # minetest-start bytesize # Start a world if not started # minetest-stop bytesize # Stop a world if not stopped ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Quickstart for regular users. If you're a regular user without "sudo bash" access, try the follow- ing alternate procedure instead: * First, you'll need to talk a sysadmin into installing dependencies as discussed further up. * Create the following directory: $HOME/opt/minebest/ * Delete or rename any existing copy of: $HOME/opt/minebest/mtkit/ * Unpack the Linux Minetest Kit and move it to: $HOME/opt/minebest/mtkit/ mkdir -p $HOME/opt/minebest/ cd $HOME/opt/minebest/ rm -fr mtbin cp -a $HOME/opt/minebest/mtkit/mtbin/ . cp -p mtbin/hometest-start mtbin/minetest-start mkdir -p log mtworlds tmp # Add the following directory to the default PATH for your account: # # $HOME/opt/minebest/mtbin # Then log-out and log-in again. cd $HOME/opt/minebest/mtkit/ rm -fr toolstree bash -e build # A new copy of the following directory should now exist: # $HOME/opt/minebest/toolstree/ perl --build --server --finetest # A new copy of the following directory should now exist: # /home/minebest/opt/minebest/minebest/bin/ cd /opt/minebest/mtworlds/ rm -fr bucketcity bytesize unzip -q $HOME/opt/minebest/mtkit/mtsrc/worlds/ unzip -q $HOME/opt/minebest/mtkit/mtsrc/worlds/ # Edit the following world configuration files: # # $HOME/opt/minebest/mtworlds/bucketcity/world.conf # $HOME/opt/minebest/mtworlds/bytesize/world.conf # Set the parameters appropriately, especially the following: # motd, name, port, server_address, server_name # If you execute the following commands now as the "minebest" user or # as "root", it should start or restart the associated worlds on the # ports that you specified in the "world.conf" files: # # minetest-restart bucketcity # minetest-restart bytesize # Other useful commands: # # minetest-allstart # Start all worlds where not started # minetest-allstop # Stop all worlds where not stopped # minetest-list # List installed worlds # minetest-start bytesize # Start a world if not started # minetest-stop bytesize # Stop a world if not stopped (end of document)